近年來,由於藍芽v4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy, Bluetooth LE, BLE)技術的成熟, 蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)藉由此技術發展出iBeacon 廣播應用協定。iBeacon 基於佈建 容易、低功耗以及低成本的特點,常被使用於廣告播送與定位。由於iBeacon 基 本的定位方式為較粗略的鄰近(proximity)範圍偵測定位,位置未知的待定位目標 (target)裝置必須直接收到位置已知定位標記(landmark)的iBeacon 訊號才可粗略 定位。若需要完成較為精準的定位,目標裝置就必須能夠直接收到三個(或)以上 的定位標記iBeacon 訊號才可能達成。但是在現實環境中,目標裝置往往無法直 接收到足夠數量的定位標記iBeacon 訊號,甚至於無法直接收任何定位標記 iBeacon 訊號,造成無法定位的問題。本研究於Android 行動裝置上實作APP,以 Ad-hoc Positioning System(APS)之DV-distance 的定位概念為基礎,讓行動裝置藉 由藍牙無線傳輸以多跳(multi-hop)方式協助轉傳定位標記的iBeacon 訊號,來幫 助行動裝置在無法直接收到定位標記iBeacon 訊號的情況下,也可以達到準確度 不錯的定位結果。本研究並進行廣泛的實驗以評估所實作APP 的定位精準度。;In recent years, Bluetooth v4.0, which takes Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE, Bluetooth LE) as its main technology, is widely adopted. Based on BLE, Apple Inc. developed the iBeacon protocol for the applications of advertisement and positioning. The basic positioning method of iBeacon is proximity-based. A target device must directly receive signals from one iBeacon landmark to determine its position roughly. To obtain more accurate position information, a target device needs to directly receive signals from three or more iBeacon landmarks. However, in reality it is hard for a target device to directly receive signals from iBeacon landmarks; the landmark sometimes cannot directly receive signals from any landmark. This study implements, on the basis of Ad-hoc Positioning System (APS) DV-distance of algorithm, an APP for Android mobile devices to use multi-hop Bluetooth transmissions to forward the signals of iBeacon landmarks. The APP can help mobile devices obtain positioning information of good enough accuracy even when the target mobile device cannot directly receive signals from any iBeacon landmark. Extensive experiments are performed to estimate the positioning accuracy of the APP.