科學展覽活動為全國各國中小學校,在科學教育領域的一項重要活動,此競賽 是為了提升學生對於科學學習的興趣及探究科學的能力,但學生在未接觸科展活動 時,缺乏獨立完成探究的技能,故本研究旨在設計出一套輔助教與學的科學實驗探 究系統,從中引導學生在科展活動前透過鷹架進行科學探究實驗(inquiry-based experiments),期待學生從實驗探究的過程中習得科學過程技能,且提高學生的科 學態度。在進行系統評估時,採取立意取樣,針對 52 名國小生進行問卷調查,並 蒐集學生對於系統操作的意見回饋。研究結果發現學生對於系統在知覺有用性、知 覺易用性及使用意願皆給予正面回饋,且認為此系統提供的學習鷹架功能是有用的 且易於使用的,針對科學過程技能的方面有達到顯著差異,而在基本過程技能(basic process skills)方面未達顯著差異,但在統整過程技能(integrated process skills)方 面,有達到顯著的差異,且實驗組的統整技能之平均進步分數高於控制組,由此可 得知對於實驗探究及科學過程技能的學習是有所助益的。最後,本研究依據結果與 討論提出教學實務、系統設計及未來研究之建議。;Science Fair is an important activity in the field of science education for primary and junior-high schools in Taiwan. Science Fair aims to raise students’ interest in science learning and their scientific inquiry abilities. However, most of students do not have the abilities to complete the science inquiry alone when they do not have experience of participating Science Fair. The purpose of this study is to guide the students doing the inquiry-based experiments before Science Fair, and to provide the system scaffolds helping students to learn Science Process Skill instructions, the ability used in Science Fair. Science Process Skill Instructions regards as the ability which you solve the science problem. In the Taiwan’s essentials of the 9-Year integrated curriculum, Science Process Skill instructions can be classified into 5 items: “observing”,” comparison and classification”, “organization and the associated”, ”induction , analysis and inference” and “ communicating”. Learners acquire these abilities by doing experience themselves and from the experiment to explore in the process of for the purpose of inquiry experiments. While assessing system, we use “purposive sampling.”. 52 elementary students are invited to use the system and evaluated the system with a quantitative survey. Their responses on the quantitative questionnaire of the system showed that they are satisfied and think this system is useful and user-friendly. They expressed high willingness to use the system continuously. Both Scientific Process Skills and Integration Process Skills improve significantly showed in the questionnaire, but there is no significant difference in Basic Process Skills. In additions, the average improvement score about Integration Process Skills of the experimental group is higher than the control group, which indicates that this system is useful in developing students’ Scientific Process Skills. In the conclusion of this study, this study point out some suggestions on teaching practices, improvement on the system design, and future research.