摘要: | 「備課」(learning activity design)是教師於課前的教學內容準備,而備課會根據不同的學科而有不同的準備方式,一群有共同教學目標的教師一起進行備課,稱之為「共同備課」。「社群」是聚集著一群相同目標的人,在網際網路中有著共同學習目標而演變成「網路學習社群」,一群教師聚集起來學習專業備課,稱為教師專業社群。現代教育的思潮認為知識是學習者主動建構的,任何學習者都應該自主學習、一同討論真實問題,並反思所學習的知識、不斷的重新建構知識。本研究主要目的有二:一為開發「線上合作共同備課平台」(Collaborative Workspace for Learning Activity Design, Co-LAD),以幫助教師進行共同備課與教案設計;二為評估線上合作共同備課平台是否能符合教師需求。本研究之對象為46位小學到大學的教師,採用調查研究法的問卷調查法,評估教師對於線上合作共同備課平台的感知以及以「學習者為中心設計」(learner-centered design)的鷹架與互動工具評估。研究結果發現,現場教師對線上合作共同備課台的「知覺整體有用性」、「整體知覺易用性」、「知覺鷹架有用性」都有正向回饋;此外還針對不同教學年資、教學年級的教師進行更一步的分析,發現不同教學年資、教學年級的教師可能對於線上合作共同備課平台會有不同的感知。;“Learning activity design” is the preparation of teaching content for teachers. Based on different subjects, the designs of learning activities may have different approaches. "Collabo-rative curriculum design" is a group of teachers with the same teaching goal prepare teaching content. “Community” is a group of people with the same goal who have the same learning objects on the internet, and these people are formed as “network learning community”. Teach-er professional learning community is thus formed. With the changes of educational ap-proaches, all the learners are supposed to learn actively, to discuss authentic issues, and to re-flect the knowledge they acquired. The process of knowledge reconstructing is called “knowledge building”. In order to help teachers build up knowledge and design curriculum collaboratively, this study had two purposes. First, to develop a platform (Collaborative Workspace for Learning Activity Design, Co-LAD) for helping teachers design curriculum collaboratively. Second, to evaluate if the platform (Co-LAD) meets teachers’ needs. After the development of the system, this study also conducted a series of system evaluations on it. To this end, questionnaire survey was conducted. The participants of the system evaluation in this study were 46 teachers who were from elementary to university. In general, the results showed that the participant teachers expressed satisfactory perceived usefulness and ease of use of the Co-LAD, and were highly tended to use the Co-LAD in their curriculum design preparation. Also, they recognized the usefulness of both the instructional and learning scaffoldings pro-vided in the Co-LAD. In addition, this study revealed that the teachers’ academic back-grounds, experience on using the Internet for teaching, and their self-efficacy may play roles in their perceptions of using the Co-LAD. Suggestions and implications for educational prac-tices, system design and future research are also discussed in this study. |