中華民國建國迄今105 年,其中僅有約38 年是在大陸度過,其餘絕大部分時間則屬「播遷來臺」或「中華民國在臺灣」時期,綜觀中華民國政府在大陸的有限統治歲月裏,則是外禍內戰連連無日無之,她曾經在1945 年8 月因對日抗戰獲得慘勝,而帶來極短暫的璀璨希望,但是接踵而來的國共內戰,卻使她在絕對的軍事優勢下快速瓦解。 中華民國政府在大陸的敗局,固然是有其時代背景,加上長期形勢及國際因素使然,不能以那年到那年作為抽刀斷水的切割線。但是最直接決定其存亡的關鍵時期,仍屬1949迄1951 此短短3 年。 本論文經筆者嚴謹的參考政府檔案及國內外史料、當事人日記、口述歷史、專書、期刊、論文等,以客觀深入之分析,就中華民國政府在1949 年面臨的崩潰形勢、力挽敗局所作的努力、捍衛最後基地臺灣的作為,並以1949-1950 年中共攻臺準備,作當時對應的背景,迄1950 年韓戰爆發及美國改變對華政策、1951 年恢復軍事援助一連貫之,作完整深入之研究。 ;The Republic of China has been established for 105 years, but it only ruled on mainlandChina for 38 years. After that, it has been called "The Republic of China arrival to Taiwan" or"The Republic of China on Taiwan". During the 38 years on the mainland, there was a seriesof wars. However, despite the narrow victory over Japan in August 1945, the civil war latermade the exhausting government lose its advantage in manpower and equipment and retreatedfrom mainland China to the island of Taiwan. Although loss might have a lot to due to the long-term circumstance and international factors. As the result, there was no exactly turning point of the whole situation. Nevertheless,the crucial period of the transformation is visibly from 1949 to 1951. The study is based on the discovery and analysis from historical data and materials such as diaries, oral history, literatures, and researches. And the main focuses are the effort for keeping Taiwan in 1949, the change of the Chinese policy of the United States after the start of the Korean Warin 1950, and the reinstatement of military assistance to Taiwan from the United States in 1951.