在國內公共工程專案的執行過程中,進度延誤的狀況屢見不鮮,倘若仍未良好落實進度的管控,容易導致工程的逾期,甚至最後引發工程爭議。而營建時程網圖既是進度管控的重要工具,亦是做為當工程爭議發生時的重要佐證資料,因此,為了讓網圖可以確實發揮其進度管理以及佐證資料的功能,有必要進行審查來確保網圖的合理性和正確性。然而在實務上,機關的審查人員往往專業程度不足,並且,機關內部未建立審查網圖的標準作業流程,亦無提供審查人員相關的參考準則來審查網圖,因此常導致國內多數機關網圖的審查作業常流於形式,並未有效落實審查。反觀國外的機關在網圖審查的作業上已建立出相對完善的機制,故本研究蒐集內國外機關內部在執行網圖審查的程序規範資料,接著彙整不同機關針對基準時程網圖、修訂時程網圖與更新時程網圖的審查流程及準則,建立供國內機關參考的審查流程及準則,並且提供時程網圖的審查表,以利機關審查人員在進行網圖的審查作業時有明確的參考依循,避免時程網圖有規劃不合理、紀錄不完整或是不正確的情況發生。;Schedule delays in Taiwan’s public construction project are normally happened. If we do not indeed make the progress under well-controlled, a schedule delay would be expectable. It usually causes a dispute between contract parties. A good schedule is one of powerful tools to manage the progress of a project. And it is also an important evidence when construction disputes occur. Therefore, it is necessary to make sure and review its correctness and rationality. In fact, the schedule reviewers in Taiwan are not capable enough in average. Besides the government agencies have not established standard operating procedures for reviewing schedule. They do not provide workable review criteria for the reviewer as well. Thus schedule review become nothing more than a slogan. Compared to the workable regulations and criteria in other countries, to develop useful schedule review process and criteria in Taiwan is necessary. Based on available practical schedule review process and criteria, this study developed schedule review processes, review items and review criteria, and then examined them by three real cases. The outcomes of this study can be used to assist schedule reviewers to perform necessary review works. Hopefully, the study results can improve the quality of schedule development and review, and increase the performance of schedule management in the future.