摘要 多孔擴散管為一工程上常見之設備,而於以往的分析中,皆不易求得其控制方程式正確之解析解。 本論文研究之主要目的為分析擴散管流量解析解,以參數 , 的變化,逐一的探討各階段解析解的合適性,最後歸納整理出符合假設條件及邊界條件的解析解,如此可得其 - 及 - 之關係圖形。 而於數值驗證中,我們不只以射擊法來驗證解析解,還將射擊法進而改良成一個更優質的數值法來驗證其解析解之正確性。 ABSTRACT Multiple-port diffuser is frequently used in engineering pratices. However, there was few exact solution to describe its flow distribution in the past. And the goal of this thesis is to analyze the exact solution of the governing equation for the flow in the diffuser. We also try to propose a better way to carry out the numerical computation.