擬訂營建剩餘土石方交換策略,以精進營建剩餘土石方之管理一直是政府及相關單位所關切的問題,故本研究探討並找出辦理土方交換之主要影響因子及針對主要因子擬訂相關策略。本研究之目的在於擬訂營建剩餘土石方交換策略,本研究在確立研究動機與目的後,進行土方交換相關文獻資料回顧並對土方交換之現況及案例進行探討分析,而後對於曾辦理土方交換之工程主辦機關及專家學者進行訪談,建立土方交換影響因子共21項,並以李克特五尺度量表製作問卷,針對中央部會、22個縣市土石方承辦人員、工程主辦(管)機關、有土石方交換經驗或相關領域專家學者進行問卷調查,其中(1)工程施工期能配合(2)土方交換申報數量條件降低、限制減少及(3)土質符合,為影響土方交換最大之主要因子,針對問卷結果中影響程度較大之因子從法制面、管理面及執行面建立土方交換策略擬訂土方交換策略清單,希冀透過本研究研擬之土方交換策略,期以提供工程主辦管機關辦理土方交換時之參考,達到提升土方交換率之績效。;The Taiwan government and practitioners have dealt with construction residuals for years. Certain plans and policies have been implementing to improve the management for construction residuals; however, there is a need for identifying impact factors and management strategy for managing residual exchange. The study purpose is to develop the exchange strategies for construction residuals. The research methodology lies in comprehensive literature view and expert questionnaire. The literature review gathers 21 factors associated with construction residual exchange. A Likert 5-scale questionnaire was distributed to experts, who serve for related tasks in 22 local government offices. The impact level for each factor was summarized where 2 among 21 have the highest impact level at 4.17 out of 5 scale. They are (1) lowering the standards for declarations (2) valid soil condition. Therefore the exchange strategies for construction residuals can be yielded for 5 major strategies in the 3 aspects: regulation and code, management, and execution action.