個人事業以及生涯的拓展,除了自己本身的潛能、實戰經驗的累積之外,更要需具備承上啟下的溝通能力及領導才能,透過組織內部的網絡效益,發揮團隊合作並與主管建立良好的關係,進而獲取更多的支持及額外的資源完成工作任務,達到個人職涯成功,進而成就組織成功。本研究從社會資本角度,探討在主管與部屬交換關係之下,衡量部屬是否因網絡效益,如較多的資訊、資源以及職涯贊助,進而達成職涯成功,職涯成功的衡量指標包含客觀職涯成功,如薪資成長和晉升次數;主觀職涯成功則為職涯滿意度。本研究透過問卷調查,研究樣本來源為國內一般產業,包含台灣本土企業及外商公司。資料蒐集共一階段,回收 950 份,有效問卷為 687 份。研究結果發現,當部屬與主管擁有較高的LMX,取得較多的資訊,可正向影響主觀及客觀職涯成功;取得較多的資源,可正向影響職涯滿意度;取得職涯贊助,則可以正向影響薪資成長及職涯滿意度。最後,透過後續研究限制與建議,將可提供未來學者之研究參考方向。 ;To achieve and explore personal career success, we need to focus more than just on employee potential and experience accumulation but also to be generated from the benefits of organization networking, team work and relationship building with superiors, to gain more support and extra resource to complete job tasks, achieve personal career success and further contribute to the organization success. In this study, we use the concept of leader-member exchange in social capital, to measure how the variables in network benefits, including access to information, access to resource and career sponsorship to affect career success. Based on the questionnaire survey in Taiwan, research result shows that relationship between LMX and career success meditated through network benefits. Finally, this study also gives some follow-up suggestions and research limitations to further research.