也斯小說側重描寫香港城市空間,並把對香港文化相關的關心、思考置入其作品裡,提出自己的看法和疑問之餘,也啟發了讀者的好奇心與持續的追尋。因此,以其筆下小說的香港都市空間為主要背景,以及其懷舊的特質作為探究的主題,分析生存在其中的各種文化和人。 本論文共有五章。第一章為緒論。第一節說明論文的研究動機,以闡明研究的問題與方向;第二節則是把與論文範圍相關的前人研究、文獻、資料進行分類整理;第三節則談論研究範圍與方法;最後則是論文章節架構的安排。 第二章則以香港都市空間的懷舊意識為主要的探討對象,並從此切入分析《剪紙》人物形象,同時也探討現代化所導致的社會懷舊意識,如何激活保育建築、社區生活的意識。 第三章則分析也斯小說裡呈現出來的都市文化,並分成香港本土文化,以及和外國文化作為相互對照。 第四章則是專注在論述生活也斯筆下的香港都市空間裡頭,各種人們的日常生活,藉以理解他們如何面對體制底下的沉悶與壓力,又如何從中尋求反擊的方式。 第五章為結語,為本論文作出簡單的結論。 ;Yesi is the Hong Kong novelist that often connects local cultural in his works. He received a high reputation in creative writing, mainly from his novels, but also the efforts he put in literature and cultural discussions. His novels are good materials to discover different faces and perspectives that under covered in Hong Kong city space, especially the interactions between cultural and people. This dissertation consists of 5 chapters. First chapter will explain the purposes and methods used for this research. The second chapter will focus on the nostalgia in Hong Kong city space which written by Yesi. The third chapter will discover the different culturals sided in Hong Kong city. The fourth chapter will discuss the ways of interaction between people in their daily life in a modern city. While the last chapter will be the final conclusion about this dissertation.