姚拓曾為眞正拿槍上陣殺敵的抗日軍人,畢業於中央陸軍軍官學校第一分校步兵科。在一九四九年經歷中國政權易手,姚拓身為國民黨軍人的身分瞬間被瓦解,流落到香港當難民,卻在陰差陽錯之下當了《中國學生週報》校對,踏上了寫作的路程,創作了多篇抗日背景的小說,在大歷史的敘述下,保存了小人物的記憶。歷史的巨變也讓姚拓經歷了半生離散,從中國到香港,再從香港到新馬。以姚拓面對戰爭的創傷記憶為線索,可以探究其面對國破家亡的歷史巨變所產生的創傷體驗,以及其如何通過書寫,為創傷記憶找到救贖與出口。姚拓在中國、香港與新馬的居住經驗也體現了其離散經驗。姚拓小說中的離散敘事呈現了其看待離散空間的方式,以及表現了其如何在離散中建立家園與身分認同。;Yao-Tuo served as a military soldier during Second Sino-Japanese War, after graduated from First Branch Infantry Division of Republic of China Military Academy. When there was a regime change of China in 1949, Yao-Tuo’s drifted to Hong Kong as a refugee. He somehow ended as an editor of China Students Weekly Magazine, meanwhile started his life as a writer. He wrote many novels about Second Sino-Japanese during this period, with memories of nobody characters in a great history background. The national crisis in China has forced Yao-Tuo to have a scattering life, from China to Hong Kong, then from Hong Kong to Malaya-Singapore. With the trauma memory by Yao-Tuo experienced from the war, we shall reveal how he handle Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after the national crisis. Besides, the research should make known of Yao-Tuo self-salvation through his writings. Yao-Tuo experienced diaspora while he moving from China to Hong Kong and to Malaya-Singapore. His living experience is those places written in novels not just showing his perspective on space, but also how he build-up a homeland and his personal identity.