本論文的研究目的為設計一台用於SMD表面無鉛焊接之烤箱,此烤箱能提供,預熱,焊接,及冷郤之溫度變化曲線,以焊接貼在電路板上之SMD元件焊點,並根據各加熱板上,感測器的感測結果即時調整加熱器輸出,補償加熱器的差異,使爐內的溫度均勻分布。加熱前,會先執行抽換氮氣動作,降低氧氣濃度,以確保焊接中,無鉛焊錫不接觸氧氣,以避免氧化。在操作方面,為達成使用者友善介面,只須按下開始按鈕,烤爐便會按照預設的行程自動執行,期間使用不須額外設定。;Purpose of the paper is to design a lead-free reflow oven. The oven can provide temperature profile for Lead-free Reflow Process, which is used for soldering SMD components placed on the printed circuit board. To make temperature even, System will adjust heaters’ power as soon as receiving new data from temperature sensor on the heaters. Because oxygen will cause solder oxidation, before running soldering process, System need to pump out the air from oven and fill with nitrogen for the sake of reducing oxygen. The oven is very user-friendly. When user press start button, the soldering process is started and it will automatically finish all the process without any commands from user.