摘要: | 海內外軍事專家都認為中國自改革開放後,在經濟方面的顯著成長及為維護領土主權的核心利益、洗刷近百年來因戰爭的因素而遭受列強侵略的恥辱,造就其軍事力量不斷擴大決心。若從歷史看,自毛澤東時代 起,人民戰爭定義即是為以農民為主的群眾為了反抗資本主義壓迫所 組織起來進行的戰爭,故人民戰爭戰略思想一直是解放軍軍事戰略思想 的基礎;在中共長期革命戰爭經驗中,軍隊自然形成了一整套積極防禦 戰略思想,堅持戰略上防禦、後發制人及「人不犯我,我不犯人,人若 犯我,我必犯人」的原則。然如前述,中共自1978 年進行改革開放以 來,世界歷經越戰、兩次波灣戰爭及阿富汗戰爭,這使中共深刻體認到,只有在武器載具及軍事戰略思想方面進行了符合時代需求的改變,才有可能打贏高技術條件下現代戰爭及信息化條件下的局部戰爭,故解放軍自1991 年以降,已開始大量吸取,並公開的學習美軍的軍事新思維,甚至改變以往重陸軍,輕海、空軍的建軍方向,積極朝向「遠海護衛」的海軍及「攻防兼備」的空軍方向發展,從1999 年、2009 年及2015 年三次大閱兵深入比較,即可看出。中共軍事戰略已逐漸規劃從陸地走向海洋,從近海走向遠海,從天空走向太空等。不僅如此,其各軍種間的建軍備戰方向、軍隊編裝及人員編制改變等,在在都顯示解放軍正試圖打造一支足夠維護國家利益、領土主權及確保局部戰略優勢並能夠禦敵於國門之外的現代化軍隊。;The world order had been changed dramatically after World War II. The world lead by United States and Soviet Union were much polarized than anytime in human history. From China’s perspectives, it needed to be extra agile in order to survive between the two major powers. Since Mao’s administration, “People’s War” had been the foundation of military trategy for the People’s Liberation Army, 〈PLA〉. It was a tool to encourage people rising and supporting the PLA fought with nationalist government. In the long period of practice of the strategy, the Chinese Communist party developed a theory of “Active Defense.” It is said that “ I will not fight others unless they fight me first; if so, I will fight back.” The theory states the principle of being strategic defensive and passive military reactions. However, since its economic reform in 1978, the PRC had learned the lessons by watching Vietnam War, two Gulf Wars, and War with Terrorists in Afghanistan, the PLA realized that it also has to rewrite its military doctrines and modernize military assets in order to adapt modern war scenario which involves with Modern War under High Technology Support, Limited War under Information Support, Therefore, in 1991, the PLA started studying western military theories and transform its much larger Army military to joint concept military. Blue sea defensive Navy and both offensive and defensive capable Air Force are much invested ever since. We can find the trace of the PLA’s development from land, coast, blue sea, air, and step by step toward space by carefully comparing the PLA’s national military parades in 1999, 2009, and 2015. Not only just stunned by the modernized military assets in the parades, this study could provide the PLA is heading to the direction that becoming a modernized military forces and capable to protect the PRC’s national interests of sovereignty and strategic iii advantages far from its coast. |