國,不能一日無防;軍,不能一日無備! 一艘軍艦往往能體現一個國家的政治實力、經濟實力、軍事實力和科 技水準;因此,要探究、分析一個國家海軍的實力,就必須先了解其海軍 艦艇的能力。中國自經濟改革開放以來,歷經三十餘年的發展,已使綜合 國力獲得大幅提升,隨著兩次波灣戰爭、1996年台海危機美海軍介入圍堵 暨亞丁灣海盜攻擊等事件衝擊與影響,迫使中國重新建構其國際區域安全 觀,並大幅調整其海軍戰略,從「近海防禦」逐步向「遠海護衛」轉型。 為加快中共海軍建設發展的步伐,確保「能打仗、打勝仗」的強軍要求, 中共海軍裝備建設已從「空、潛、快」輕型海上戰鬥力量,經過「精幹、 頂用、配套」的質量建軍,從「重平臺」轉向「重體系」,並達到「突發事 件有準備、局部戰爭有保障」的目標。作戰訓練海域更由「近海」逐漸拓 展至「遠海」,訓練方式也由單一作戰科目漸進推展為複雜實戰課題,現已 逐步構建一支「兵力結構均衡化」與「作戰效能遠洋化」的現代化強國海 軍。;Nation cannot survive without defense. Military cannot fight without readiness. A warship usually represents the political power, economic power, military power and technological ability of a country. Therefore, we must understand the capability of its naval vessels first if we want to explore and analyze the strength of its navy. It has made a substantial increase in comprehensive national strength since the reform and opening up in China for more than 30 years of development. With the impacts on the two Gulf Wars, the US Navy intervention during the crisis in the Taiwan Strait in 1996 and the Aden Gulf piracy attacks, it forced China to reconstruct its international regional security concept and greatly adjust its naval strategy, transforming from the "offshore waters defense" to the "open seas protection" gradually. In order to accelerate the development pace of establishing PLAN and to ensure the requirement of strengthening forces that "can fight and win", the equipment construction of PLAN has changed from the light sea combat strength like "fighters, submarines and speed boats", transfering "emphasis on platform" to "emphasis on system" through constructing the "streamlining, applicable, supporting" quality of the armed forces, and then achieve the goal that "contingencies are prepared, local wars are capable of logistics". The combat training area gradually expanded from "offshore" to "open sea", and training methods also gradually developed from a single combat subject into complex practical subjects. Nowadays China has built a modern power of the PLA Navy step by step, toward "equalizing force structure" and "oceanic combat effectiveness".