目前臺灣地區建築施工現場,工作紀錄大多是以一般相機作為拍攝,無法產生親臨現場之感受。本研究使用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)輔助人員進行紀錄工作,將建築工地施工現況數位化,透過UAV搭載全景攝影機拍攝全景影像與三維模型做結合,展示紀錄則以虛擬實境技術(Virtual Reality,簡稱VR),透過電腦模擬產生一個三度空間的虛擬世界,並於其中重要之工地觀察點放置全景影像以供使用者檢視。 本研究所建立之虛擬實境環境,可提供營建工程管理者關於視覺感官的模擬,讓使用者如同身歷其境一般,可以類似於臨場地觀察三度空間內的周遭事物,亦可依空中拍攝所得之全景影像分析地上結構體與工地現場第一時間未發現之問題。惟受限於目前技術上發展之限制,本研究所建立虛擬實境之視覺上之品質尚未達理想之地步。此外,本研究除探討建立工地虛擬實境所需之技術、軟體設備與施作步驟外,進而討論工地虛擬實境技術應用在進度、品質、安全衛生、環境保護、工程管理方面之可行性。 ;In Taiwan, progress of work at the construction sites are normally recorded by taking photos. These photos do not give “being-at-the -site” feelings for the people looking at them. Thus, this research used an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) carrying both a video camera and a panorama camera to record everything at the open field of the construction site. A three dimensional vision (virtual reality, VR) platform was then generated by the video film using a specific software. The pictures taken by the panorama camera that could be viewed by the VR user, were then positioned at meaningful spots of the construction sites in the VR environment. The generated VR environment not only gives the user “being-at-the-site” feelings but also allows the user to view the panoramas at interested spots of the construction site. Construction progress, site layout, positions of construction materials, as well as other images related to construction quality and safety can be vividly checked in the VR environment. However, due to technological limitations, the visual quality is not reaching a satisfactory level yet. In addition to descriptions of software and hardware requirements, their specifications, and generation and operation procedures of the VR environment, this research also discuss feasible applications in various project management aspects using such VR techniques.