珩齒(Gear honing)製程可進行螺旋齒輪之輪齒修整(Tooth modification)以降低振動噪音及改善接觸齒印(Contact pattern),係於大批量生產齒輪時最具有經濟效益的精加工方法之一;而往往滾齒後齒面會有扭曲(Twist)現象,使得齒輪組在裝配誤差下會造成齒面邊緣接觸而產生應力集中及損壞。故本文建立了以CNC內珩齒機進行螺旋齒輪齒面拓樸修整之數學模型,於其中加入機台設計參數,利用敏感度矩陣法,在設定目標齒面法向偏差量後,計算出機台設計參數,並將設計參數代回齒面拓樸修整之數學模型,取得修整後齒面之法向偏差量。最後,將修整後齒面之法向偏差量匯入KISSsoft分析軟體,比較不同齒面修整下之齒面拓樸(Tooth flank topology)、齒面接觸及傳動誤差分析結果,以證實本文所提方法之可行性及優點。;The internal gear honing process is one of the most economic ways to eliminate errors to localize and stabilize the bearing contact and reduce noise and vibration of the gear systems. In addition, the tooth surfaces of the gears are usually crowned with anti-twist tooth flanks. Gear with the anti-twist tooth flanks can make tooth contact concentrate by the center of tooth flank and avoid the tooth edge contact. Therefore, a mathematical model for the topological modification on gear tooth flanks by a CNC internal honing machine is proposed in this thesis. In the mathematical model, the additional parameters are added as the coefficients of machine settings and the singular value decomposition (SVD) is applied to solve these coefficient for the desired topological modification on tooth flanks. Moreover, the normal deviation at each point on the gear tooth is imported into KISSsoft to conduct the tooth contact analysis (TCA) and transmission error (TE) evaluation in the numerical examples. The results show the validity and practicability of the proposed model.