專業學習社群是由一群專業領域的工作者,所組成專注於該領域學習及成長的團體,其強調「合作」的概念,成員之間對專業有共同的信念、想法或目標,透過成員之間的交流、經驗分享、探索學習及討論等方式,使服務對象之學習成效能夠提升,並且透過此方式能夠增進自身的專業素養。 而婚禮企劃在近二十年前引進台灣,而隨著新人對於婚禮的自主權提升,以及婚宴會館宴會型態興起,新人對於婚禮的要求漸高,而需要請專業的婚禮顧問協助籌備,婚禮顧問專業漸被新人所接受,然後籌備一場婚禮有許多繁瑣事項需要張羅,不論是文定、迎娶等禮俗,婚禮的周邊廠商到婚宴規劃及現場執行,都有許多的專業事項需要規劃,已成為專門學科。國內亦開始開設婚禮故婚相關學系,以培養婚禮專業人才。 故本研究主要研究目的有二:一為開發「婚禮專業學習社群平台」(Marriage),期望導入專案規劃概念於平台中,讓此領域的使用者,皆能夠透過平台與他人交流、分享及學習;二為評估婚禮專業學習社群平台是否能符合使用者需求。本研究之對象為60位使用者,包含已婚、未婚及婚禮從業人員,採用調查研究法的問卷研究法,評估使用者對於婚禮專業學習社群平台的整體知覺有用性、整體知覺易用性、鷹架與互動工具評估。研究結果發現,使用者對於婚禮專業學習平台的知覺有用性、整體知覺易用性、鷹架與互動工具都有正向回饋;此外還針對不同使用者背景、使用經驗進一步分析,發現不同背景、是否具有婚禮平台使用經驗對於婚禮專業學習社群平台知覺有性用及互動工具可能會有差異。 ;“Professional learning community” is a group of professionals with the same goal who have the same learning objects, it emphasis "cooperation". “Wedding consultant” originated in the West, is a professional who assists with the design, planning and management of client′s wedding. With the advent of online technology, online communities may serve as effective platforms. However, there is no online platform focusing on the wedding professional learning and making user plans wedding project. A solution to address this problem is to develop platform (Marriage) focus on wedding professional leaning community. Experts and users can share and create wedding project collaboratively was developed in this study. A total of 60 volunteer participants, there are 30 male and 30 female, half married, half single, participated in the platform evaluation of Marriage. The results showed the participants expressed satisfactory perceives usefulness and usability of the Marriage. They expressed high willingness to use Marriage for wedding professional knowledge sharing and creation. Also, they recognize the usefulness of both the instructional and learning scaffoldings provided in the Marriage. Suggestions and implications for wedding professional, platform design, and future works are also discussed in the study.