交通工程設施之設置適宜性攸關交通路網安全性,一套安全的交通路網必須搭配良好的交通工程設計,根據統計臺灣每年發生約30萬餘筆交通事故,如何降低交通事故的發生則是多年來持續備受關注的議題,而中央政府於近幾年也致力於市區道路、交通環境及人行環境等議題針對各縣市政府進行考評並督促其改善相關缺失,本研究以內政部營建署辦理之「市區道路養護管理暨人行環境無障礙考評計畫」中交通工程考評項目為主要方向來探討市區道路交通事故之影響因子,以交通標誌、交通標線、交通號誌、行人及自行車設施、道路寬度、車道數等六項為影響因子,透過支持向量迴歸(SVR)及基因表達規劃法(GEP)兩種人工智慧統計分析方法來尋找交通事故之因子影響程度,結果以SVR之分析較佳,故採用其篩選之最重要影響因子-交通標線深入研究,運用集群分析探討行穿線至停止線之距離是否影響行人交通事故的發生,分群結果顯示兩者距離遠近確實會對行人交通事故造成影響,停止線至行穿線距離介於2.58 m至4.41 m及6.13 m至7.44 m此兩段距離中可有效降低行人交通事故的發生,若將行止線與行穿線之距離劃設過長,可能降低道路使用效率,影響整體交通效率,最終本研究結合歷年缺失、現行法規、專家意見及分析結果提出優先建議改善方針,期望提供縣市政府未來改善之參考依據,改善整體交通環境並有效降低交通事故的發生。;Suitability of traffic engineering facilities is critical to traffic safety. A safe transportation network must be designed with good traffic engineering. According to the statistical data, about 300,000 traffic accidents occur each year in Taiwan. How to reduce the chance of traffic accidents has been a topic of continuous concerned for central and local government. In the recent years, the central government enforce local governments to improve traffic environment and safety. This study will was focused on the major factors influence traffic accidents, the major factor included traffic signs, traffic marking, traffic signal, safety of pedestrians and bicycles, road width and lanes were evaluated in this study. Those data were from the survey of “Urban Road Maintenance Management and Pedestrian Accessible Environment Assessment Project” which was held by Construction and Planning Agency. There were two Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods included Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) to explore the major influence factors of traffic accidents in this study. The result showed SVR analysis got better performance than GEP analysis and showed the most important major factor of traffic accidents is traffic marking. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis was adopted to confirm whether the traffic marking location, the distance between crosswalk lines and stop line, would be influence the chance of traffic accident. Based on the results of cluster analysis, and traffic marking would be influence the chance of traffic accident. Compared the others, the longer distance would obvious reduce the pedestrian traffic accidents. However, the longer distance it will also influence the traffic flow on the intersection. It was worthy to further studying.