子由數學小學堂是一個數學學習網站,其主要特色為透過程式產生數學題目卷。因每個題目皆是透過程式產生,故重新產生一份相同練習卷,其題目內容皆會有所差異。 雖然小學堂已發展多年,但仍有功能尚未完備;本論文為小學堂重新設計直式題型的介面及相應題庫變更,設計平板裝置上也方便操作的線上練習,及開發試題搜尋功能便於尋找題目。 ;ZIYOU emathschool is an online platform where mathematical exercise sheet/book is generated promptly by computer programs. Since all the mathematical problems are the result of executions of different computer programs, the mathematical problems generated will not repeat on the whole.
Despite of the web platform has been developed for many years, there are still some important functions missing and remained to be developed.
In this dissertation, we have rewritten the vertical mathematical problem sheet front and back interface, designed an online exercise interface used for pad device and developed the search function which makes mathematical problems in the database are easier to be found.