在面對全球化市場競爭的趨勢下,企業面臨環境不確定性和風險,身為人資角色要稱職擔任公司重要的策略夥伴,有效建議企業運用非典型工作型態來達到人力靈活雇用以提高產能。非典型工作型態對勞資雙方而言各有利弊,若能運用得當,對勞資雙方與整體產業發展皆有相當之助益。對企業而言,透過非典型工作型態之運用可有效降低人事成本並增加管理彈性;對勞工而言,不論是自願性或非自願性地選擇非典型工作型態,皆獲得工作機會。因此,如果可以針對非典型勞動型態提出兼顧企業利益及勞工權益之平衡機制建議,讓企業保有人力運用彈性,增加就業機會,同時又可以讓非典型就業者得到應有之保障,應可達到保障勞工權益、增加就業機會與促進經濟發展多贏之局面。;Due to the influence of market forces and the strategies of labor flexibility, development of dispatched work has become an inevitable trend. Based on the research findings, dispatched work would cause effects on industrial relations, both individually and collectively. In order to cope with the development of dispatched work, many countries have made a lot of effort on the study of effects of dispatched work and on the design of labor policies aimed at dealing with dispatched work. Under this circumstance, even though the development of dispatched work in Taiwan is still at its primary stage, the study on effects of ”dispatched work” and its relevant policies shall not be neglected.