摘要: | 雖然相較於無實體的時間,可以被肉眼看得見的空間理應是跟我們更親近,但在人類的認知慣例裡卻特別留意時間,而選擇將空間視若隱形。然而,空間卻是實實在在影響著我們日常生活的一個元素。而在文學中,自古以來也一樣是以時間元素及意象作為優先,甚少將空間作為討論。直到上世紀中期,才有學者以空間理論探討文學。 本文以傅柯(Michel Foucault)的異質空間理論為基礎,分析了羅智成詩中的異質空間及其所象徵的意味,冀以此讓更多的讀者瞭解羅智成寫下這些詩篇的意圖及用心,也希望更多人留意到現代詩中的空間元素。 羅智成喜愛以自身的想像力,來打造屬於自己的小宇宙。譬如從他的詩中的可發現,城市如何從一開始的嚮往,蛻變成一種「不如自己期望」的形貌。這種失望的心態最終往兩種方向進化,一為「後文明時期」的孤絕氛圍,一為自己小時候生活過的「舊台北」有了懷念之情。兩種結果,都是由詩人自己「創造」的獨特空間。 另外,本論文也探討了羅智成如何以書房、花園及村莊來展現代表自己思想的空間。若要以環形圖來表示羅智成的思想世界,則是中心點的書房;中間一環為花園;最外一環為村莊。 本文第五章的孤獨空間,則主要以詩人前期的生活為基本論述對象。本章節探討了羅智成如何透過一個社會空間,以及湖泊來表達內心的孤寂焦慮感。
關鍵字:羅智成、異質空間、新詩、台灣文學、現代文學 ;Although space is more down-to-earth element compare to time, we human somehow always keep our attention on time instead of space. For example, we arrange our chronicles and histories by timeline, we use time as a main theme in literacy work. Not to mention most of the researches and thesis are focusing on the same thing. This situation has only been changed in the middle of last century. This thesis is using Michel Foucault’s theory of Heterotopia, to study and analyse Taiwanese poet, Luo Chi-Cheng’s works, so that others may have a deep understanding on them. Some spaces and places mentioned in Luo’s poet has been pointed out, and analyse the metaphor or meaning that they are standing for. For example, the image of cities has been changed from a space that full with hope, to an opposite way. This lead to two different growing on the image of city, which is “Post-Civilization” and “The old Taipei”. Besides, Luo was trying to represent his mind through study room, garden and village. Using ring chart as a hint, the inner ring is study room/bookstore; then comes the garden; and the outside ring is village. These three spaces are Luo frequently uses in his poet. Meanwhile, a space of loneliness has been discovered in Luo’s earlier poet, when he was studying in University of Wisconsin. As an expecting result, this thesis is trying to complete the studies and researches on Luo’s work. Furthermore, a little contribution is hoped to be made in Taiwanese Poetry studies.
Keywords:Luo Chi-Cheng, Space, Heterotopia, Taiwanese Poetry, Contemporary Literature |