本文提出了一組適用於即時觀測細胞實驗之微型化人造磁場實驗平台,並於系列實驗中觀察鼻咽癌細胞暴露在人造高磁場梯度下的表現狀況。實驗觀察結果顯示鼻咽癌細胞暴露於人造高梯度磁場時,影響癌細胞之細胞週期分布。因此藉由採取物理靜磁學中的Biot-Savart 定律之數學架構,製造高磁場強度、梯度以及硬體架構以符合細胞培養環境規範為本文研究重點,其中將包含產生特定磁強與梯度分布之磁鐵陣列,或產生磁場之線圈以及其衍生之熱場。除以海爾貝克陣列(Halbach Arrays)製作特殊之磁場分布,本微平台中亦可利用特殊多重導線捲繞方式製作人造梯度磁場,使得當電流通過導線時,平台結構內部將產生特殊強度與梯度的人造磁場與溫度場,而在結構外部的磁場將趨近於零。在空間任意位置的精確磁場計算,則需要應用到Bessel function或橢圓函數與其相關技巧。目前本實驗微平台之培養環境面積為3.5cm*3.5cm、深為1 cm,採用之磁鐵陣列或線圈得以人工方式產生1.5~70 mT的磁場峰值變化並伴隨15 mT/mm磁場梯度之特殊人造磁場。然而為使多重捲繞導線產生的磁場強度數值增強,亦將伴隨來自高電流產生之高熱能損失。一旦線圈內的溫度高於環境溫度37℃,培養皿的蒸散作用會上升使得細胞暴露於熱壓力作用,將導致細胞分裂實驗成果不如預期。因此我們將利用電阻定律提出一方程式,使得實驗人員得以藉此方程式調整電壓大小以快速計算該微平台所產生溫度,同時亦將考慮在符合生物培養環境的硬體架構規範之下選擇適當的材料。以其磁場強度分布、梯度分布以及培養環境溫度均能達到實驗預期要求。;In this work, we developed a magnetic field microplatform for observing the cell migration in real time. Meanwhile, the biological effects of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cancer cells exposured under the high gradient magnetic field (MF) was investigated. The micoplatform was designed with Length = 3.5 cm, Width = 3.5 cm, Height = 1 cm, respectively. Helmholtz Coil and Halbach Arrays were utilized for fabricating a uniform magnetic field and a gradient magnetic field. The system was operated with a field strength between 1.55-70 mT, which was provided by a magnetic array. Most important of all, it is necessary to provide the appropriate environment with the high magnetic field intensity and high gradient magnetic field for cell culture. Given that the living cells were grown in a humidified atmosphere at 37 ℃, where the temperature is a critical factor for culture. Hence, we propose the derivative equation using Ohmic Law for calculating the critical values of temperature immediately. For Halbach Array group, the gradient magnetic field in comparsion with the uniform magnetic field shows the population of S phase of the Nasopharyngeal carcinoma cancer cells increase owing to magnetic stimuli.