近年來由於網際網路盛行,使專家系統得以突破以往單機版之限制而能透過網路來執行。但網路版之專家系統並未能普遍發展,亦未如當初預期般受到廣泛使用,其原因除專家系統之開發工具尚未發展成熟外,無法集合眾多專家系統於一處以方便使用亦為主要因素之一。 本研究除探討目前發展網路版專家系統之困難與限制外,並嘗試建置一可容納眾多不同網路版專家系統之「網路專家庫」,以解決土木工程領域知識繁雜,無法由單一專家系統提出完整建議之問題。本研究所建構之「網路專家庫系統」網站以JSP(JavaServer Pages)作為主要動態網頁語言,其功能除了可幫助使用者快速查詢專家知識,並上傳個別專家系統以擴充專家庫外,亦提供知識工程師上線系統及經驗交流之管道,以利於專家系統在土木工程領域之應用。 The fast evolving Internet technologies have provided a way to tackle the restriction of running an Expert System (ES) solely on a single personal computer. However, web-based ESs are not widely used as expected, due to the limited functions of current development tools and the insufficient number of ESs available on a web site for solving complex problems. This research investigates the difficulties and restrictions of current web-based ES development tools before establishing a Web-based ESs Bank (WESB). In the established WESB, implemented by JSP (JavaServer Pages), many web-based ES developed by various development tools are constructed together and can be accessed by different users on the Internet. The WESB not only provides a mechanism for the convenience of running related domain ES, but also allows uploading web-based ES applications to the WESB by general knowledge engineers. The WESB also provides an environment where the knowledge engineers can exchange ideas and experiences in the processes of developing web-based ESs. The WESB is particularly useful for applications in complex and experience-oriented domains such as Civil Engineering.