雲端運算的發展日益成熟,與虛擬化技術廣泛的使用密不可分。透過虛擬化技術能讓實體機器能承載多部虛擬機器,讓運算資源使用能夠更有彈性,隨著雲端運算應用的快速發展,雲端運算的計算量和複雜度也在不斷提高,單一虛擬機器提供服務已無法滿足需求,虛擬叢集是由多個虛擬機器所組成,透過虛擬網路的連結協同運算以完成提供特定服務。資源配置問題在雲端運算是其中之一項重要的研究議題。目前現行的雲端平台資源排程機制,大多將虛擬叢集中的虛擬機器視為單獨的虛擬機器而未考慮它們之間的關聯性,因此在資源使用上可能造成運算環境的效能不佳。不同的虛擬叢集有者不同的資源使用特性,如何選擇一個適合的調度策略讓虛擬叢集執行更有效率,進行資源配置時就需要先考慮虛擬叢集的資源使用特性。在這篇論文中,我們實作了一個虛擬叢集配置到雲端平台的模擬程式,提供一個可重複及可控制的測試環境。針對通訊密集型的虛擬叢集,提出一個基於網路流量拓撲的排程策略,目標是減少實體網路頻寬使用量。並與常見的虛擬叢集排程策略FCFS 、 Round-Robin和虛擬叢集切割演算法作模擬測試比較,實驗結果顯示,我們提出的虛擬叢集排程策略相比其他傳統的排程策略實體網路頻寬使用量最少,有助於減少實體網路負載。;The use of virtualization technology allows software-based virtual machines to be able to run on a physical machine, which makes resource allocation on a cloud environment more flexible. With the fast development of the cloud computing technology, clusters of virtual machines become more popular in many applications, such as Hadoop cluster. A virtual cluster is composed by multiple virtual machines, which perform collaborative computing tasks through virtual networks on top of physical networks. Resource allocation for virtual clusters is a key issue to be solved on cloud. It is different from the single VM placement problem. First, all VMs of a cluster share the physical network bandwidth on cloud, and some of them may talk to each other very often. Second, physical network bandwidth consumption among two VMs can be turned into internal memory read/write operations if two VMs are placed at the same physical machine. Most existing scheduling mechanisms only consider/use the single virtual machine placement strategy, instead of the virtual cluster placement strategy. Therefore those VM placement algorithms/mechanisms may lead to poor performance since they do not consider the communication relationship among the VMs. In this paper, we propose a novel scheduling strategy for virtual clusters based on Inter-VMs network traffic. We have compared the simulation performance in terms of physical network usage of the proposed algorithm with existing algorithms such as FCFS, Round-Robin, and the Divide-Aware algorithm. The simulation results indicate that the proposed scheduling algorithm consumes the smallest physical network bandwidth. As a result, the proposed algorithm can reduce the possibility of performance degradation due to physical network bandwidth contention.