隨著工業4.0的興起,許多生產線都開始減少人員配置走向自動化。工具機台配備著各式感測器來監控加工狀態,並且透過網路監控回授的數據以及調控參數,這使加工效率比起從前有了大幅的提升。而機械手臂在這個浪潮中扮演著很重要的角色,因為他可以代替工作人員進行精確的抓取動作,讓加工物件在各個加工機台間的移動,成為各個儀器交流的橋梁。 本文透過先前學長設計的機械手臂機構製造兩台機械手臂,推導此機構三維空間座標與馬達旋轉角度之轉換公式,並研究步進馬達以及伺服馬達分別之控制原理。我們透過Labview對伺服馬達與步進馬達組成之機械手臂分別進行控制,使兩隻手臂進行精準的座標移動。最後構築一個網路傳輸介面令使用者可以從遠端得知機械手臂目前之狀態,並且將使用者之命令傳送給伺服端,伺服端接受遠端使用者的路徑命令並使兩台機械手臂依照其進行運動。 最後透過精度實驗以及網路傳輸速度實驗驗證本論文之控制方法,確認使用者可以透過網路從遠端進行即時的資料接收與命令下達,並且機械手臂也能精準的完成使用者之座標命令。 ;With the rise of Industry 4.0, many factory start reducing staffing, and focus on automation. In order to do that, they put various kinds of sensors on the processing equipment, monitor the feedback information transmitted over the network, and control them. That makes the processing efficiency much better than before. The robotic arm plays a very important role in this trend. Because it can move the machined object from one processing equipment to another. In this research, the robotic arm is produced by our laboratory. We derive the formula of the relationship between three-dimensional coordinates and motor rotation angle. And we study to use the step motor and servo motor to control the two robotic arms in Labview system. Finally, we design an internet transmission interface, so users can know the status of two robotic arms and control them by remote connection.