隨著工業自動化、工業4.0與智慧製造的概念興起,機械手臂漸漸取代人力成為自動化工業中重要的一環。由於機械手臂具有可重複設定、多功能、多自由度並具備自動控制功能,且能透過程式設計完成忠實、無變異且高準確度的反覆動作,在工業上常被使用在如裝配、加工、焊接、切削…等重複性高且危險的工作上。 因使用者介面的定義是讓使用者能更有效率的去操作硬體,故在工業中常跟機械手臂相互配合以達到最佳的效能,此組合除了能讓產能提高,還能在產線中的機械手臂能即時回報狀況,以避免更大的損失。除此之外,機械手臂與使用者介面的組合還可以導入人工智慧、類神經網路、視覺感測器…等自動化工具讓機械手臂能更靈活且更有效率的去達成任務。 本研究所使用的機械手臂是本實驗室開發的低成本輕量化機械手臂,藉由搭配使用者介面(UI)、串列通訊、微控制器與機械手臂來建構一套簡易系統來實作自動化技術,並以此為基礎進而發展出規模更大的自動工廠或工業4.0…等概念。 ;With the concepts of automation and Industry 4.0 rise and develop, robotic arms recently take place of manpower resource become the important element in the industries use the automation. Because robotic arms have multi-function, high accuracy and automatic, so they are mainly being used to manufacture, welding or other tasks which is reduplicate and dangerous. Robotic arms always cooperate with user interface to increase production capacity because the purpose of user interface is to make user operate hardware efficiently. In addition, user interface also can report the error message and hardware situation to prevent great loss. The robotic arm been used in the research is a low-cost palletizing robot which cooperate with user interface, universal synchronous asynchronous receiver/transmitter, and microcontroller to build a simple system to realize automation. And then based on this simple system we can develop extensive system like automated factory.