臺灣西部沖積平原土壤具液化潛能,又因人口稠密工商發達,若遇大地震而導致土壤液化,雖然不會立即造成大規模的人命損傷,但因土壤液化引致的住宅與地中構造物的損壞,勢必嚴重影響人民生活與社會安全。本產學合作計畫配合中央大學離心模型實驗室進行LEAP土壤液化國際合作研究計畫,與奇博科技股份有限公司合作進行光纖式水壓計與相關感測器之驗證與應用開發,主要用於離心模型振動台試驗時土壤液化與土壤側向移動的相關物理量量測,期望在發展光纖式感測器量測系統,提升試驗準確性與技術水準,並推廣至全球各實驗室與現場監測,增加台灣在國際知名度。 ;during earthquake, the shear strain of soil generates the excess pore water pressure, leading to the decreasing effective strength of soil. The soil liquefies while the effective strength of soil equals to zero. At this moment, lateral spreading occurs at a gentle slope sandy ground, and it would induce tension cracks, ununiformed settlement, upheave, and sand boiling on the ground surface. It would cause serious damage forstructures build on the liquefiable ground, such as leave, bridge, hydraulic structures and so on. Therefore, Liquefaction Experiments and Analysis Projects (LEAP) was started by the top geotechnical centrifugelaboratories around the world including National Central University. Citop Technologies Co., Ltd is famous about the Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) censers development, and the cooperation between NCU and Citop Technologies Co., Ltd can enhance the accuracy of measurements. The purpose of this project is to develop the proper FBG censers forcentrifuge modeling and field measurement, and to increase Taiwan's popularity.