因應目前對於大規模邊坡破壞在豪雨與強震作用下的運動過程如啟動機制、運移、堆積等仍有待精進,本子計畫擬以三年為期(其中第一年度(106-107)之總計畫及子計畫已獲科技部審核通過並正執行中,故本年度所提計畫內容為107-109之二年度延續計畫),依據高解析度地形資料為基礎進行邊坡破壞及影響範圍之調查、監測及分析。本子計畫將持續以苗栗縣三義火炎山、高雄市旗山溪(那托爾薩溪),火山橋野溪集水區與荖濃溪紅水仙溪集水區集水區為研究範圍,以了解在不同水文及地文條件下,發生重大土砂災害案例及其影響範圍,並持續於火炎山進行礫石型土石流現地監測。經由案例調查與現地監測,期能精進分析大規模邊坡破壞發生條件,運動過程及其影響範圍並提出崩塌及土石流影響範圍之地文判別因子,做為防災減災之評估參考。 ;The processes and affected area of mass movements triggered by rainfalls and earthquakes are vitalfor hazard mitigation and land management. In this three-year-span proposal (2017-2020), we will explore the initiation, transport and deposition processes of massive landslides in different geological settings such as in Pingguan, Houyenshan, Nanshru, ChiLai and Hongshushian watersheds in New Taipei, Miali and Kaoshung counties, respectively. The on-site monitoring system of gravelly debris flows will be carried out to obtain the run-out distance as a function of the driving rainfall. The geomorphic parameters controlling landslides and debris flows will be examined based on case studies. Throughout the integration of case studies, analysis and on-site monitoring system, the result of this study will be beneficial for the further understanding of slope movements and the consequent affected area.