奠基於學界長久以來經學與文學關係緊密的命題之上,本計畫所欲解決的問題則是,陳傅良《春秋後傳》與古文創作的關係何在?本計畫仍屬文學研究,故更著重的,自然是在尊經的南宋儒學家陳傅良筆下,其古文創作受《春秋後傳》之影響何在的問題。 本計畫之重要參考文獻,包括論陳傅良之時文與古文、論宋代古文家受《春秋》經影響的研究成果,兩宋經學、學派、學術與散文或文學關係的跨領域研究專著,綜論古文藝術與美感的文學理論著作等等。其他乃至於《春秋》經傳、春秋史、宋代史學、史學理論、宋代學術、浙東學派、永嘉學派等等,凡此經、史、子部的研究成果,亦當廣泛閱讀。 在前人研究成果之上,確立將解決的問題。為解答問題,本計畫採取的方法有假設、校讎、知人論世、古文美學、歸納與比較等等方法。在閱讀與詮釋的過程中,必然遇到許多困難。本計畫將分辨文獻之輕重緩急,旁參各種詮釋觀點,以嘗試解決之。 本計畫預期完成學術論文一篇,並發表於研討會與優質期刊。研究過程的各種附帶成果,亦將是筆者持續研究南宋永嘉學派、浙東學派與文章創作的基礎。 ;Based on the closed relationship between Classics and literature, I purpose to study how Chen Fu Liang’s(陳傅良) essays were influenced by his “Chun qiu hou zhuan”. The studies about Chen Fu Liang’s essays, about other writers’ essays influenced by “Chun Qiu” in Song dynasty, about other interdisciplinarity studies between Classics and literature, and about Chinese essays aesthetics, all of these are important reference documents. I plan to do my study by many ways, included supposition, proofreading, understating the writer and the time he was in, Chinese essays aesthetics, comparative method, method of deduction. There are many problems, I plan to differentiate the importance of documents, and learn more new point of views. I plan to write a paper, and publish it in a seminar. And then publish it in a good journal.