我們申請經費提升鹿林天文台的高效能運作。鹿林天文台配置多項天文觀測設施,全年無休有專人駐守執行觀測任務。主要天文設備包括口徑一公尺光學望遠鏡LOT、四座口徑50公分 TAOS 望遠鏡、口徑40公分 SLT望遠鏡,以及口徑35公分 L35 望遠鏡等。除了天文相關設備以外,鹿林天文台基地另支援環境、大氣、以及地磁學科之儀器,為我國珍貴的高海拔多功能科學研究平台。天文台營運經費主要來自中央大學校方,以及科技部個別研究課題的資助。此處我們擬申請持續性經費,配合其他經費來源,優化鹿林基地常態營運,並提升望遠鏡與儀器性能,不僅可在科學上更具國際競爭力,也加強教育普及之功能,這些對於正建置的兩公尺口徑望遠鏡將提供關鍵的基礎建設。 ;The Observatory, staffed all year round, supports the operation of an array of telescopes for astronomical research, such as the LOT (1 m), SLT (40 cm), TAOS (four 50 cm), and the L35. In addition, Lulin also hosts instruments for environmental, atmospheric, and geomagnetic studies. The operation of Lulin Observatory relies on budget from NCU and personal research grants on specific observing projects. Here we propose to upgrade the aging facility instruments, and maintain efficient personnel operations in order to keep the Observatory scientifically competitive, to provide better education, research, and outreach services to the astronomy community, and to pave the way to construct the 2 m telescope on the site.