為了持續對於大桃園及附近地區的物理與天文相關人員,提供研究資訊方面(特別是期刊資源 共享方面)的服務,目前由中央大學物理系和天文研究所規劃管理“物理中心圖書室桃園分 室”。隨著近年來科研經費的日趨緊縮,以及國際期刊訂費的逐年飆漲,使得這項普及科研 活動的服務基石正倍受考驗。儘管如此,我們仍將秉持促進在地科研風氣的使命感,除了盡 量撥用系所圖書儀器經費來維持及加強物理資訊的軟硬體品質,也致力於透過國科會物理中 心的資助,持續維護充實相關的期刊,以配合物理及天文相關研究人員之需求。 ;In order to provide the local community of physics and astronomy in the grand Tao-Yuan area with a reliable service of research-related information (especially the sharing resource of research journals), the physics department of national central university (NCU) along with the institute of astronomy has taken charge of the planning and management for the Tao-Yuan branch of libraries associated with MOST physics research promotion center (PRPC). As the budgets of scientific research become more and more limited while the costs of international scientific journals keep increasing, this critical service for the local community of scientific research is facing a much tougher challenge than ever. Bearing in mind the good wishes for fruitful activities of scientific research, however, we will continue to maintain and promote the quality of physics-related information in terms of both software and hardware by allocate the departmental budget for books and facilities. Furthermore, we will manage our collection of relevant journals in a more effective way with the financial support from MOST-PRPC to meet the need of the researchers in the fields of physics and astronomy.