行動、雲端與物聯網的蓬勃發展,帶動網路資源分配、訊務處理和服務管理的需求,驅使傳統網路基礎架構轉型。軟體定義網路(Software Defined Network, SDN)以及網路功能虛擬化(Network Functions Virtualization, NFV)技術的出現,將實體複雜的網路架構轉變成虛擬、可程式化的架構,已為ICT資通訊網路產業發展帶來顛覆性的變革。本計畫主要構想是運用SDN與NFV來佈建虛擬網路功能,設計一套可應用NFV技術佈建網路功能服務的系統,並應用SDN技術來鏈結以實現網路服務彈性調度與管控之目的。本計畫分兩年進行,第一年度主要以NFV虛擬化技術為基礎,發展NFV服務功能虛擬化管理技術,實現網路功能服務之建立、複製與刪除等技術,並建立實際的 Virtual Network Function Images 來佈建網路服務;第二年度以SDN網路為基礎,應用SDN/OpenFlow集中管控架構,設計Service Chain頻寬與路由管理機制,鏈結第一年度建立之NFV網路功能服務,整合SDN與NFV技術應用,增加服務功能佈署彈性與提昇網路頻寬資源使用效率。 ;With the rapid development of cloud computing, mobile broadband network, and Internet of Thing, it causing a considerable demand of network resources allocation, data processing and service management,and also driving an inevitable transition of traditional network infrastructure. Both Software Defined Network (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) technologies are not only transforming network infrastructure from complicate physical entities to virtual and programmable nodes, but also bringing significant change to the development of ICT. The goal of this project is using SDN and NFV technologies for virtual network function provisioning. Design and implement an NFV management system prototype combined SDN technique to achieve network service flexibility. This project is over two years. The first year will developing NFV virtualization management prototype system based on virtualization technology. The system can establish the Virtual Network Function images to provisioning network services and provide creating, duplicating and deleting functions. The second year continues the results of the first year. The design and implement of the service chain routing and bandwidth management mechanisms based on SDN/OpenFlow centralized control architecture will address in this year. This project will establish a basis for the service management of virtualized network based on SDN, NFV and SFC technologies, and extend its results to practical scenarios.