近年來,隨著科學與科技的迅速發展,科技的影響在我們的日常生活中隨處可見,也逐漸改變我們的生活方式,而如何讓民眾能具備「前沿科技素養」逐漸受到重視,而人工智慧是近年來發展快速的前沿科技之一,因此,本研究計畫聚焦於如何讓民眾對於與日常生活相關之人工智慧有基本的知識、正向之態度與相關基本能力(包括溝通、參與與決定),而本計畫為整合型計畫中之一子計畫,共分為三年實施,在每一年中,整合型計畫中之其他兩個子計畫將分別針對人工智慧不同相關主題產出相關科普文章與資訊圖像及動態圖像,而每一年本計畫主要工作有三:(一)針對兩個子計畫所產出之科普文章與資訊圖像及動態圖像進行轉譯與轉化成效評估,並給予修正回饋。(二)利用兩個子計畫所產出之科普文章、資訊圖像與動態圖像開發以國中到高一學生為教學對象之人工智慧相關教材四份,並針對教材進行評估與修正。(三)發展人工智慧生活應用相關教育資源模組,並進行實際教學(教育推廣),以評估其對於國中到高一學生對於人工智慧的認知、情意與技能之影響,並根據評估結果修正教育資源模組之設計,本計畫預期將產出多元創新之人工智慧相關教材與科普教育資源以提升民眾之人工智相關前沿科技素養。 ;Recently, with the rapid development of science and technology, the impacts of science in our daily life can be seen everywhere and have gradually changed our way of living. One of the highly developing frontier technology is artificial intelligence and the public possession of frontier artificial intelligence has increasingly become an important issue. Therefore, the focuses of the project are to assist the public to acquire the basic knowledge of daily life artificial intelligence, possess positive attitude and have basic abilities (including communication, participation and decision-making). This project is one of the subprojects of a three-year-period integrated project. In each year, two other subprojects will produce popular science articles, infographics and motion graphics related to artificial intelligence. There are three main features of the project on a year basis. (1) Evaluate and give feedback to the translated popular science articles, infographics and motion graphics which are produced by other two subprojects. (2) Develop teaching materials related to artificial intelligence for grade 7 to 10 students. (3) Develop integrated learning modules based on the self-developed teaching materials and use them in teaching practice. Modify learning activities based on the evaluation of the impacts on grade 7 to 10 students' cognitive, affective, skill domains. The expected result is the innovative production of popular science education resources related to artificial intelligence.