智慧城市(Smart City),是把新一代資訊科技充分運用在城市的各行各業之中的基於知識社會下 一代創新的城市資訊化高階形態,在這個萬物聯網為主流的時代,透過各種技術將不同的系統做整 合,以提升我們的生活品質,並且達成環境輔助生活,在本子計晝為了落實環境輔助生活的智慧城市, 開發了運用於智慧城市的事件偵測的演算法,主要針對於街道上的監控器與車内的行車紀錄器兩大方 面,在街道上利用PTZ intelligent camera偵測出是否有特殊事件發生,並將系統分為normal mode與 burst mode,在normal mode中,因為無特殊事件發生,所以不需連續傳送影像資料,僅需數秒傳送一 張影像來告知近期情況;而在burst mode,如:車禍、積水或油潰、施工和危險人物等情況,會將必要 的影像資訊傳出,來達到提早告知附近使用者或即時通報相關單位;而在車内行車記錄記上則可以自 動偵測車禍的發生,並將此段晝面保存並上傳至雲端保存,以便後續相關單位的判斷或車主的觀看來 釐清肇事原因,來達成環境輔助生活;在本系統中會隨著子計晝二 MAC layer的throughput來做改善, 在頻寬相當大時可以傳送平時high resolution的影像,而當頻寬不夠時,將會做down sampling的動作 來減少傳送的資料量,使MAC layer的使用達到最有效率來達成影像傳輸的trade off。 ;Smart city uses information and communication technologies to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to improve contact between citizens and government. In IOT booming era, integrating different technology systems helps to enhance the quality of life and to reach the goal of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL). To implement the AAL system in smart city, we propose the event detection algorithm which uses in smart city. Our project focus on the surveillance system in the streets and driving camera recorder. We use PTZ intelligent camera to detect whether special event happened or not. We divide the system into two modes, “normal mode and burst mode”. In normal mode, there is nothing special event happened, so we just need to transmit some frame during few seconds. In bust mode, the system will detect some special situation, like: car accident. standing water. oil. construction and danger person, then transmit the video to the user near around or coherent units for prevention. On the other hand, driving camera recorder can detect car accident and transmit the video to the cloud to help the police unit and the people to clarify the accident. Our system will contact with MAC layer to modify throughput. As the high bandwidth we can transmit high resolution. On the other hand, if the bandwidth is limited, our system will down sample the video in case to trade off the transmission quality with MAC layer.