時程延遲在營建工程專案經常出現,而致使時程延遲的履約爭議日益增加。同時使用規劃時 程網圖(as-planned schedule)及竣工時程網圖(as-built schedule)是國際上時程延遲分析方法的主 流,然而對於多數非時程管理專業的爭議處理人員而言,時程網圖的解讀與施工流程的掌握 有相當的困難度。隨著建築資訊模型(BIM)技術的快速發展,使得透過BIM 技術及4D 模擬, 提早發現施工可能問題以提升施工的整體效益已陸續被提出與實證,但結合時程延遲分析技 術的應用仍相當有限。本研究提出結合BIM 技術與時程延遲分析方法之創新作法,期待藉由 時程延遲分析技術與BIM 模型的整合,透過4D 模擬與視覺化的輔助,使時程爭議處理有關 人員能夠更清楚的掌握爭議的重點,有助於時程爭議的解決。 ;Schedule delays commonly appear in construction projects and result in schedule delay claims progressively. Advanced schedule delay analysis methods in the world commonly use as-planned schedule and as-built schedule to perform necessary analyses. However, most of professionals in delay claims have limited knowledge in deciphering schedule networks and construction processes. As Building Information Modeling (BIM) technique been quickly developed, using BIM and 4D simulation techniques have been proposed and implemented as well as achieving obvious benefits especially in identifying and solving constructability problems in advance. Obviously, researches that integrate BIM and schedule delay analysis techniques are rare and limited. This study targets on developing an innovative approach, which will integrate schedules delay analysis techniques and BIM models, to provide 4D simulation and visualization outcomes for professionals in schedule dispute resolution to identify schedule-related dispute problems easily and further to solve schedule-related disputes correctly.