多氯萘(PCNs)及短鏈氯化石蠟(SCCPs)過去廣泛應用於工業製程,由於其具有毒性,加 上生物累積性、在環境中穩定且具長程傳輸之特性,可能對人體健康造成危害,被歸類為持久 性有機污染物,因此逐漸受到大眾的重視。目前台灣針對此兩種污染物之環境濃度與分佈特性 的研究相當有限,亦缺少系統性分析這些物質之主要排放源及排放強度的文獻。本研究將建立 具體之採樣分析方法並分別在北台灣之都市、鄉村及工業區的周界空氣針對多氯萘及短鏈氯化 石蠟各同分異構物濃度及分佈進行採樣及分析。此外,亦針對北台灣兩座設置不同空氣污染防 制設施之大型都市焚化爐及一座電弧爐之煙道氣進行採樣及分析,了解多氯萘及短鏈氯化石蠟 之物種分佈。另外,將針對焚化爐空氣污染防制設施入出口處同步進行採樣以分析空氣污染防 制設施對多氯萘及短鏈氯化石蠟的去除效率。本研究透過比較煙道氣和周界大氣中之物種分佈 及排放因子推估可能的排放源並確認同源物中之優勢物種。計晝成果可提供國内多氯萘及短鏈 氯化石蠟在周界大氣中濃度分佈及典型排放源之相關資訊,可作為未來政府制定相關法規及管 制策略之參考依據。 ;Polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and short-chained chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) have received much public concern due to their adverse effects on human health and the characteristics of POPs including bioaccumulation, persistence, and long-range transport. Data on concentrations and characteristics of these compounds in Taiwan are very limited and none research has been conducted to systematically evaluate the distribution of these compounds in environment and to investigate the emission strength from major sources. In this study, the concentrations and distribution of congeners of PCNs and SCCPs in ambient air of urban, rural and industrial areas in northern Taiwan will be investigated via sampling and analysis. Moreover, the partitioning of PCNs or SCCPs congeners between gaseous and particulate phases at two municipal waste incinerators (MWI) equipped with different air pollution control devices (APCDs) and an electric arc furnace (EAFs) in Taiwan will be evaluated via stack sampling and analysis. The stack gas will be sampled and analyzed at two existing MWIs to evaluate the removal efficiencies of these compounds achieved with the air pollution control devices (APCDs) adopted. The emission factors and the distribution of congeners in stack gas will be compared to those in ambient air to pinpoint the potential sources. Dominant congeners of these compounds in gaseous and solid phases of ambient and stack gas samples will also be determined. The results obtained from this research can provide good baseline data of PCNs and SCCPs in ambient air and emission characteristics from typical sources and relevant information can assist government to enact the policy for regulating PCNs and SCCPs.