本研究以十九世紀後半期活動於日本的兩位英國人為核心,但目標並非止於探究個案, 而是企圖在東西交流史及美術史學史的脈絡中,探討日本資料在東亞佛教美術史建立初期的獨 特地位。研究對象為Ernest Mason Satow (1843-1929)書寫的日本旅行書籍,與William Anderson (1842-1900)的日本美術史著作。 Satow江戶末期即以外交官身份居於日本,前後居住超過二十年。1870年代起他在日本各 地旅行,對於京都、奈良一帶的寺院記錄極為詳盡。Satow於1880年代初期出版的旅行書, 當時被評為西方人認知日本歷史文化的最佳著作。Anderson則於1873年起,以軍醫身份居於 日本六年多。返回英國後,不僅出版日本美術史著作,也為大英博物館工作。他的著作中包括 了許多日本古寺資料,如法隆寺、藥師寺、東大寺、興福寺。 此二人之書皆出版於1880年代;比起學界較熟知的,於二十世紀初投入東亞美術研究的 西方人士更早,因此有獨特的地位。此計劃預定探討三個面向:一、釐清此二人著作之一手資 料,並由當時之書評探知其影響力。二、探討著作之資料來源與作者的知識結構,特別是與日 本古籍的關係。三、探討京都、奈良一帶古寺,於江戶至明治時期間的實況。進一步思考日本 古寺在江戶時期的古物紀錄、展示活動,是否使相關知識易於傳布給西方人,並成為現代意義 下美術史學發展的先驅。 ;This research will focus on the activities and writings of two English men, Ernest Mason Satow (1843-1929) and William Anderson (1842-1900), both active in the late Nineteenth century Japan. However, the purpose of this plan is not only to clarify the two cases, but also to consider their influences on the development of the art historiography, especially of the East-Asian Buddhist art. Satow lived in Japan for more than twenty years. He was among the earliest Westerners travelled widely in Japan and recorded the ancient temples in the Kyoto and Nara areas. His book, A Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan, was consider the best source for understanding Japanese history and culture at his time. Anderson lived in Japan for more than six years and brought more than one thousand paintings to the British Kingdom. His book, The Pictorial Arts of Japan, published in 1886, is significant for including materials from Horyuji, Yakushiji, Todaiji, and Kofukuji. The fact that both Satow’s and Anderson’s books published in the 1880s is especially noteworthy. Their activities are earlier than most of the other Western scholars who worked on the East-Asian art history. I plan to clarify their activities and evaluate their influences on the West. I will also explore the issue concerning their knowledge structure. In the other words, I will exam whether they consulted Japanese ancient sources, and investigate the situations of Japanese temples at that time.