建築管理業務資訊化有助於建管資訊的收集、即時分析及運用,協助政府能更快做出正確的管理決策。因此,部分地方政府已相繼從建造許可階段開始推動無紙化建照審查系統與BIM建造執照輔助查核系統,以提升施政效能。面臨這個新時代技術的衝擊,新北市政府工務局邀請內政部建築研究所合作研究未來地方政府建立BIM模型實務應用平台應有的樣貌,如何銜接建築業者提供的資料,提升建管行政的品質,同時能符合內政部營建署未來全國建築管理平台發展的規劃。本計畫預期將提出地方政府建築資訊建模(BIM)圖資交付平台規劃,分析國內有關BIM資源平台應具備的要件且盤點資源,以及實際應用BIM成果之作法、分享個案成果之方式、與他機關如何引進應用等,並參考國際上2個不同國家目前規劃或運行中的的BIM圖資交付平台,藉由國內中央及地方政府機關訪談及座談,擬定圖資收集與資安防護之策略與機制,最終提出建立平台的藍圖與3年期分期發展計畫。本計畫之成果將與新北市政府(工務局)合作辦理1場次說明會,說明本案成果之內容、實務操作方式及導入情形,及推廣本計畫之研究成果,提供國內各單位參考使用。 ;Digitization of building information through BIM (Building Information Modeling) technique is useful for building management affairs in collection, real-time analysis and consequent applications, which makes the government making decision quicker and better. In the past, some local governments in Taiwan have implemented paperless and BIM-based systems for building construction license approval. The systems improve the performance of government effectiveness. For overcoming the challenge of new IT tools, New Taipei City government invited the Architecture and Building Research Institute, Ministry of the Interior to conduct this research project that focuses on exploring the requirements of a BIM documents delivery platform for local government. The BIM documents delivery platform will provide a tool to receive the documents from the contractor, and consequently improves the performance of building management affairs and fulfills the requirement of national building management platform by the Ministry of the Interior in the future. This research project will conduct planning works for a BIM documents delivery platform for local government through analyzing system requirements from stakeholders, reviewing available BIM resources, real cases and lessons learned, referring to two international real cases in BIM documents delivery platform, consulting with domain experts in center and local governments, concerning with strategies on information collection and security of the platform. The anticipated outcomes of this research project include a blueprint of a BIM documents delivery platform for local government with a 3-year action plan and a seminar for promoting the platform and research outcomes.