本研究針對國內某設有循環式流體化床鍋爐之紡織廠,以使用生質事業廢棄物部分取代燃煤作為燃料,將燃煤與紡織汙泥混合燃燒發電,而所衍生之灰渣需掌握其材料特性,以利發展資源化再利用方法。本研究選定流體化床鍋爐灰渣燃燒前之燃料種類包括:(1)煙煤純燒、(2)煙煤與紡織汙泥混燒;為探討混燒飛灰之穩定性,混燒飛灰另取兩批次;共三批次進行試驗,並根據相關規範進行試驗,將研究材料與電廠粉煤鍋爐之飛灰比較。上述材料皆針對混凝土材料相關之物理性質及化學性質試驗,探討其材料特性並建立混燒灰渣之基線資料。 研究結果顯示材料流體化床鍋爐飛灰之特色為細度甚大,並且鍋爐燃燒參數與傳統鍋爐有異,造成飛灰材料性質上的差異;鍋爐燃燒溫度低使飛灰並未出現高溫燒結之礦物,導致流體化床鍋爐飛灰中鋁成分的活性較高;且鍋爐燃燒使用石灰石作為脫硫劑導致飛灰內含有石膏之成分。上述特性使飛灰與水泥摻配之早期強度提高,但也帶來耐久性的隱憂。而鍋爐燃燒參數上的差異與輔助燃料的添加對飛灰性質也有一定的影響。 再利用試驗結果顯示:通過用水量調整可使CLSM與飛灰混凝土的工作性質達到規定,流體化床鍋爐灰渣可大量用於CLSM達到消耗的目的,但將飛灰用於混凝土卻仍有耐久性的問題,因此建議使用在非結構性的混凝土製品方面。 ;A domestic textile mill generates electricity through co-combustion of coal and textile sludge in order to replace coal with biomass industrial waste as fuel. This study, based on the ash produced by the circulating fluidized bed boiler(CFB) in this mill, aims to investigate the material properties of ashes produced by co-firing coal and textile sludge. Two types of fuel materials are selected, they are bituminous coal and a mixture of bituminous coal and textile sludge. To study the stability of fly ash generated from co-combustion, three batches are tested following the current specification. The research material will be compared with the fly ash produced by a boiler in a coal-fired power station. To explore the material properties and construct the baseline data of ash from co-combustion, all research materials undergo tests of both physical and chemical properties. Since CFB adopts different burning parameters and lower burning temperature, and uses limestone as sulfur-scrubbing admixture, research results show that the fly ash produced by CFB is characterized by a high fineness, with the presence of anhydrite and active aluminum. These properties result in a higher pozolanic activity when blended with cement at an early age, but engender an issue of durability. In the experiments on utilization of fly ash as construction materials, results show that adjusting the amount of water will make workability of CLSM and fly ash concrete in accordance with current specification. To consume the fly ash, it could be used in a large amount on CLSM. Since the concrete manufactured using CFB fly ash exhibits poor resistance to sulfur, it is recommended that the use of CFB fly ash be limited to making concrete products.