摘要: | 明代初期為防禦蒙古的侵襲,特別在全國北邊防務設置九邊,並以親王鎮軍之。永樂初年廢除大寧與東勝衛,明政府西北領土控制範圍即限縮至黃河河套以內,使河套直接暴露在蒙古兵鋒之下。自從東勝衛廢除之後,延綏鎮就變成西北國防的第一線,成為邊防的重鎮。 土木之變後,明代的邊防政策也由主動出擊轉變為被動防禦。成化間已有官員提出遷綏德鎮至榆林衛的建議,並且開始提議搜套及增築邊牆來抵禦蒙古的侵犯。歸結搜套未果的原因在於當時氣候乾旱氣溫劇降、邊儲負擔沉重、及軍事戰力下滑、蒙古的持續騷擾等因素,最後選擇較經濟可行的築邊牆策略,並且延續至後世。然而保守築邊牆方法,在這段近百年的時間,仍無法阻止蒙古自河套南下,頻繁突破延綏及花馬池邊牆,不斷擄掠與擾民。 筆者擬以明代中葉成化至弘治十八年(1465-1505)延綏鎮為題,來探討廢置東勝衛的影響、明政府對河套控制的消長情形,延綏鎮的建置與地理位置討論,花馬池至延綏鎮的邊牆修築,天災對陜西的影響,邊鎮糧餉與馬政的討論,期望以延綏鎮的探討,來了解明中葉以來,為何棄套與固守邊牆成為當時被認為較為可行之做法。
;In the early Ming Dynasty, for the defense of Mongolians invasion, the government set up nine defensive area in the northern frontier. Yongle abolished Daning and Dongshengwei, then the scope of control of northwestern territory of the Ming government was limited to the Yellow River- Hetao Area inside, which made the Hetao Area exposed directly to the Mongolians armies. Since Dongshengwei was abolished, Yansui defensive area became the first line of northwestern territory defense affairs. After the battle of Tumu, the border defense policy was changed from active to passive . From the Chenghua period, it had been advised by officials to move Sueidezhen to Yansui/Yulinwei?, and began to propose to build walls to resist Mongolians’ violations. The reason for the unsuccessful recover Hetao Area were concluded as dry climate, heavy logistics, and declining military strength, and harassment of the Mongolians etc. However, the construction of the wall can not stop the Mongolian breakthroughs in Yansui and Huama Pool, and robbing people over there. In the study we discuss the influence of the abolition of Dongshengwei from Yansui defensive area, and the Ming government′s control over the Hetao Area in the middle of the dynasty in Chenghua to Hongzhi (1465-1505), also study the construction and geographical location of Defensive Area Yansui. It also studies the construction of the wall of Huamachi to Defensive Area Yansui, the impact of natural disasters on Shaanxi, the purveyance and logistics there, and the management of horses. By the discuss of Yansui defensive area, the study intend to know why the Hetao abandonment, and the defense of the wall had became a feasible method in that era. |