預鑄產業中的許多決策經常仰賴專業工程師之經驗法則以及主觀判斷下進行,在面臨大量訂單與多重專案同時進行的情況下,單憑個人或小組的經驗往往無法作出最佳的調度及決策,因此預鑄工廠經常會面臨到超時工作以及人員配置不當導致生產力下降等問題,進而導致預鑄廠之人力成本大幅增加。為解決此一困境,預鑄產業中的管理者多期以彈性運用人力資源的方式提升預鑄產業之生產力並改善預鑄工廠中普遍存在的加班工時過高的問題,以降低人力成本。於是本研究以Arena系統模擬軟體建置了一套預鑄廠人力彈性運用模型,以此模型輔助管理者以系統模擬的方式進行現況人力運用模式之分析、改善策略之研擬、針對研擬的改善策略進行系統模擬並提出最終之決策建議等過程。研究成果不僅提供決策者實質的決策參考依據,更進一步以系統模擬的方式模擬各種人力資源彈性運用策略對預鑄廠運作系統的影響,減少在調整策略的過程中可能產生的不必要的時間及成本浪費。 本研究提出之模型主要針對建築預鑄專案中的柱、大樑及小樑專案進行模型建置與數據分析,且經過模擬數據的分析處理及比較過後,最終的模擬結果強烈建議柱專案採用排班類型之替代方案,針對大樑專案建議嘗試採用排班類型之替代方案,小樑專案的部分則是建議採用原始之排班模式為佳。 ;Construction precast manufacturing is a complicate and resource-consumed process that usually depends on manpower heavily. The current manpower allocation requires well-experienced managers to level up all technical and general labors in order to fulfill customers’ orders. To improve manpower allocation for construction precast production has been always an important task in order to enhance the profits. The objectives of the research are to integrate precast big data with system simulation using Arena Software to establish the manpower allocation model, and then to improve manpower allocation for construction precast production. A comprehensive literature review is carried out to construct the framework for the expert interview and data collection. 10 professionals with over 20 year work experience each suggest the scopes of existing 14 work flows, work shift configuration, data format, and simulation restrictions. A total of 1,015,840 datasets which cover over 90% construction precast production in recent 10 years in Taiwan are collected and then 772,212 datasets are taken into simulation. With the use of Arena Software, the results show that 21.91%, 1.73%, 0.82% time reduction for column, beam, and mini-beam precast production, respectively, are achieved. Manpower allocation for technical labors is the most effective in column production, saving 18.11% of total workhours. The findings establish manpower allocation strategies to improve the efficiency of skillful labors and to reduce idle time in manpower arrangement.