台灣近年高等教育的政策鬆綁及校系的快速擴張,讓青年受教育率迅速提升,大學畢業生、甚至碩士畢業生不再具有高教育光環,也因為教育擴張及青年就業觀念改變,延遲了青年就業時間。另一部分,產業及市場的結構變化,讓台灣整體高失業率議題,在近幾年不斷被人民怨聲載道,而青年族群的高失業率尤其嚴重。目前有相當多的研究針對青年失業率深入探討,但研究方向通常鎖定青年頻繁轉職的因素,較少議題探討青年於進入第一份工作之後的留任時間,及可能導致工作低穩定度的相關影響;因此,本研究以民國105年10月份勞動部進行「15-29歲青年勞工就業狀況調查」原始資料重新分析,進一步探討青年勞工之個人因素、及可能影響初次尋職的原因,並與青年於第一份工作留任時間長短進行分析。本研究透過存活分析手法中的生命量表、Kaplan-Meier及Cox迴歸分析進行假說驗證,研究結果發現性別因素中,女性於第一份工作留任時間較男性短。碩士以上畢業生,教育程度越高,於第一份工作留任時間也越長。若第一份工作計薪方式為月薪之青年,於該工作留任時間較其它計薪方式,如日薪、時薪或按件計酬等方式留任期長。而初次尋職前遭遇越多困難者、以及初次尋職前有準備者、畢業後找第一份工作花費的時間越長者,還有初次尋職前之待業期間一直在找工作者,於第一份工作留任時間都越短。;After many years of universities expansion in accordance to government policy, Taiwan has become a college-friendly society. Compare to decades before, where college degree is rare and precious, almost all recent graduates hold either bachelor or master degrees now. On one hand, longer education life time means graduates enter the job market later. On the other hand, due to the change in society structure and macro-economic environment, the unemployment rate is also a serious topic for the country. This thesis focuses on the first employment of new graduates, and the retention and stability of the first job. The dataset of the thesis comes from “Employment Analysis of 15-29 Years Old Young Labors” for year 2016 from the Ministry of Labor of Taiwan. The analyze methodologies include Life Table, Kaplan-Meier, and Cox Proportional Hazard Model of Survival Analysis. As results, male labors stay longer on their first jobs. Labors with master or PhD degrees and labors paid by monthly salary tend to have longer retention. For those young labors who meet more difficulties before first jobs, who are well prepared before interview, who spend more time searching, and who are full-time searching right after graduation all tend to have shorter retention.