本論文主要是針對一維光子能隙(Photonic Bandgap簡稱PBG)結構能縮小尺寸的特性,來設計所需相位的延遲線,進而研製出相移器。相移器為剖風儀天線陣列提供相位移轉的重要關鍵零組件,主要的設計概念,在於首先設計所需相位的延遲線,接著配合高頻開關的切換,選擇所需相位的路徑。 PBG所以能縮小尺寸的原因主要為電路結構中等效的電感提供了慢波效應(slow wave effect),由於這個慢波效應,使得PBG的電氣長度會比一般傳輸線長,因此在同樣電氣長度下,PBG的物理長度就會比一般傳輸線短,這樣就會使得所製作的相位偏移器整體的面積就會比較小。 文中將會探討PBG電路所可以設計的參數,並整理出這些參數的規則,利用這些規則來盡量縮小電路的尺寸且達到符合所需要的相位。 In the thesis, a design concept for the phase shifter using photonic bandgap(PBG)structure is proposed. PBG possesses a slow-wave characteristic caused by the equivalent inductive components. Due to the slow-wave effect, the electrical length of the PBG is increased. Therefore, the physical length of transmission lines can be shortened by inserting PBG while the original electrical length remains the same. Sensitivity analysis is conducted on many design arguments of PBG. Based on the analysis, simple design rule of phase-delayed line using PBG is proposed. At the end, a 3 bits phase shifter is realized and verified by measurement in the thesis.