本研究針對具有曲線消能器之 A 型隅撐構架耐震性能進行探討, 研究中針對不同尺寸曲線消能器以及應用此消能器之隅撐構架分別 進行試驗以確認其應用性。 另外由曲線消能器之構件試驗結果得知曲線消能器在小位移比 0.38%至 0.56%之間,即進入塑性階段,由此開始消散能量,且在位 移比 7%之內皆不會發生破裂,顯示曲線消能器具有極佳韌性。 且另外由 A 型隅撐構架試驗結果得知,A 型隅撐構架具有適當之 位移放大機制,可有效利用曲線消能器消散能量,此外隅撐系統亦可 降低梁柱接頭之受力,延後梁端降伏之狀況。而構架初始勁度較抗彎 構架高約於 3.77 倍,且消能能力提升為 1.42 至 2.00 倍。由上述結果 可知,A 型隅撐構架可有效提升構架之承載性能。 關鍵字:隅撐構架、A 型隅撐、耐震性能、曲線消能器;This study focused on the performance evaluation of A-knee braced frame. The purpose of this research is to confirm the applicability of A knee brace to the framed structural design According to the experimental results, curved damper started to dissipate energy in early deformation stage and had exhibited ductility to 7% deformation ratio without crack. Experimental results of A-knee braced frame tests show that deformation ratio of curved damper could be amplified in the proposed A-knee brace design. Therefore, significant contribution of energy dissipation from curved damper was validated. Further comparisons showed that the initial effective stiffness of A-knee braced frame was 3.77 times of that of the moment resisting frame. The energy dissipation of the proposed A-knee braced frame was also increased by 1.42 to 2.00 times. The significant performance improvements validated the applicability of A-knee braced frame design.