為了擴充電池管理系統殘餘壽命評估功能,且增加故障排除系統進行故障類別判斷的特性參數,開發電池模組內阻及監測參數量測暨壽命評估技術:使用Hybrid Power Pulse Characterization (HPPC)技術並針對廠商提供的e-bike輕量動力電池組實驗設計,連接廠商的資料擷取裝置,紀錄電池動態參數並計算內阻值。在評估實驗需求後,以大型恆溫箱設備進行恆溫條件充放電量測實驗,本研究需經長時間不間斷實驗,逐日獲得電池老化數據,故研究中以可程式直流電源供應器及可程式直流電子負載,以便讓電池自行充放電進行實驗。透過所設計一系列電池充放電流程,由診斷器擷取每秒電池內部參數,計算出電池壽命老化之重要指標參數-電池內阻值,後續可以建立電池等效電路模型,模擬電池輸出特性並進行驗證,如此能透過電池老化演算法進行鋰離子電池壽命預測。;This industry-university cooperative research project aims at realizing two techniques per commissioned manufacturer including the development of trouble-shooting system for Li-ion battery packs, and the measurement of internal resistance and parameters for the residual life estimation of battery packs. When the battery pack can’t be charged or malfunction happened, it will be refund to local dealer, service personnel can use the trouble-shooting system to load the fault log data from battery packs by diagnosis tool, the system will show the reasoning which type of protection and every step of troubleshooting on the system graphical user interface (GUI). Development of trouble-shooting system: The system has been coded through Python as an abundant Python open-source library functions can be obtained. Additionally, we coded the GUI by using PyQt5 module. The developed system is convenient for the manufacturer to use; further, its diagnosis capability is easy to be expanded with adding more inferring logics and rule-causes. Overall architecture of the troubleshooting system is followed the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) which is built by lithium battery pack expert, FTA contains all of malfunction about lithium battery pack form maintenance department engineer years of experience. Measurement of internal resistance and parameters for the residual life: For the measurement of internal resistance and battery parameters the hybrid power pulse characterization scheme will be implemented to perform on the battery packs SBC-DT1. More specifically, the internal resistance of battery packs can be accurately calculated since the equivalent circuits of battery packs are modeled and varied parameters are acquired as soon as the charge and discharge processes are performed. So far, the diagnosis modules of trouble-shooting system for Li-ion battery packs have been designed and implemented; further, to expand more inferring logics and rule-causes and to polish the GUI to be more user friendly are undergoing. Meanwhile, the domain experienced engineers from the manufacturer help verify its inferring and diagnosis performance. As to the internal resistance estimation, all related experiments following each charge and discharge process can be conducted after the test room is remodeled and the constant-temperature chamber is installed.