隨著無線通訊技術的發展,5G已經開始蓬勃發展,而資料的傳輸速度與資料量也越來越重要。在本篇論文中,將提出一高傳輸速度與資料量的收發機模組,並說明如何透過設計通道編解碼的方式,來達到更高傳輸速率與高可靠度的品質。 此收發機模組主要透過通道編解碼器以及OFMD調變器,來完成雛型系統的一對一通訊測試。選擇參考在LTE架構下的OFDM調變系統以及DVB-T架構下的通道編解碼規格,來作為實現的模組,並加以修改與擴充,來達到高速率的傳輸速度與演算法;With the development of wireless communication technology, 5G has begun to flourish, and the speed of data transmission and the amount of data are becoming more and more important. In this paper, a transceiver module with high transmission speed and throughput will be proposed, and how to design a channel codec to achieve higher transmission data rate and high reliability. The transceiver module mainly performs one-to-one communication test of the prototype system through the channel codec and the OFDM modulator. Select the OFDM modulation system under the LTE architecture and the channel codec specification under DVB-T architecture as the implemented module, and modify and expand to achieve high transmission speed and algorithm.