本研究以台灣公路運輸之各種交通運具為研究對象,首先建立效率前緣模型,然後探討非期望產出變量(例如二氧化碳、硫氧化物、氮氧化物)之方向邊際生產力之變化,進而估算其影子價格。本研究引用之績效生產函數將包括一個投入變量(能源消耗)、一項期望產出變量(行駛里程數)以及三項非期望產出變量(二氧化碳、硫氧化物、氮氧化物),以九種常用之運具為研究對象,蒐集兩年份的資料共可得18個決策單位的資料。是項資料將分成兩年期計畫進行研究。第一年計畫內容包括:(1) 建立非參數DEA績效模型,(2)推估非期望產出變量之方向邊際生產力之變化,進而估算其影子價格運具之影子價格變化。第二年計畫內容包括:(1) 建立非參數StoNED績效模型,(2)推估非期望產出變量之方向邊際生產力之變化,進而估算其影子價格運具之影子價格變化。該研究成果可做為政策方項或法令制定之依據,特別是如何著重於二氧化碳的減排,建立完善的大眾運具使用環境以及擬定和擴大對於電動汽機車的補助方案。 ;This proposal aims to estimate the shadow prices of air pollutant emissions (i.e., carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides) associated with 9 road transportation modes in 2 years, resulting in 18 decision units. The research will be conducted in two consecutive years.In the first year, we will adopt the DEA approach to come up with the efficient frontier and then to estimate the directional shadow prices of various road transportation modes by evaluating the derivative of “production functions” at points of efficient frontiers. Real data regarding air pollutant emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitric oxide (NOx) will be collected from the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yun, Taiwan. The major work will cover (1) literature review; (2) model formulation; (3) solution algorithms (or software adopted); (4) data collection and numerical experiments; (5) provision of interim project report.In the second year, we will adopt the stochastic semi-nonparametric envelopment of data (StoNED) approach to generate efficient frontiers and then to estimate the shadow prices of various road transportation modes by evaluating the derivative of “production functions” at points on frontiers. Real data regarding air pollutant emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), Nitric oxide (NOx) will be collected from the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yun, Taiwan. The major work will cover (1) literature review; (2) model formulation; (3) solution algorithms (or software adopted); (4) data collection and numerical experiments; (5) final project report.The results obtained from this research can be used to improve the air quality by charging the users of each transportation mode with "user's fee", or to come up with strategies of promoting the public transportation modes or subsidizing the electric vehicles to constrain the private modes.