此次所擬專書寫作計畫,以此前執行兩項專題計畫「玄應《一切經音義》釋義效能研究--以《妙法蓮華經》、《正法華經》二經音義為中心」、「《法華經》歷代音義釋義效能綜合比較研究」成果為基礎,擬將已撰寫的四篇論文增訂擴充為「上編」;除緒論、結論外,分為六章: 緒論:現今「佛經音義」研究面向與局限 第一章 佛經音義研究開拓的構想與方法 第二章 《玄應音義》一詞多訓現象探析 第三章 玄應《法華經》、《維摩詰經》五種音義釋義效能辨析 第四章 玄應對《法華經》、《維摩詰經》同經異譯各本語詞差異的辨析 第五章 玄奘門下玄應、窺基二人對經典理解之比較研究 第六章 《玄應音義》與《磧砂藏》隨函音義立目、釋語之比較研究 結論:《玄應音義》性質釐定新探「下編」則呈現《玄應音義》中《法華經》、《維摩詰經》五種音義條目的輯佚、點校、注釋成果: 第一章 〈妙法蓮華經音義〉輯校注釋 第二章 〈正法華經音義〉輯校注釋 第三章 〈維摩詰所說經音義〉輯校注釋 第四章 〈維摩詰經音義〉輯校注釋 第五章 〈說無垢稱經音義〉輯校注釋此外,本研究計畫又擬建置《玄應音義》綜合檢索資料庫,以便學界從文獻學、語言學、佛教學等方面深入、有效利用《玄應音義》。 ;Xuan Ying Yin Yi(玄應音義) is a famous work for linguistics study. This book provide the pronunciations and meanings for the Buddhist Scripture. Xuan Ying explained not only the hard words but also the common words . On the other hand, Xuan Ying usually gave several meanings for one vocabulary or phrase. We really don’t know which one is the exact meaning in the text. Is Xuan Ying Yin Yi helpful for understanding Buddhist Scripture? It makes us confused. In past five years, we have implemented two research projects. We have studied on the Opinions in Xuan Ying Yin Yi (玄應音義) about the effectiveness of explanation focus on the explanation of Lotus Sutra(法華經). We also pay attention to the explanation on Vimalakīrtinirdeśa(維摩詰經) in Xuan Ying Yin Yi (玄應音義) .In this project, we will write a book to discuss this topic, based on the projects I have researched in the past five years. This book will be divided into two parts. PartⅠwill have six chapters on the effectiveness of explanation in Xuan Ying Yin Yi. PartⅡ will present the collation and annotation of Xuan Ying Yin Yi (玄應音義) about two Chinese translations of the Lotus Sutra(法華經)and three translations of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa(維摩詰經).