本計畫為一個以企業社會責任為主題的三年期計畫,本計畫在三年內要完整與討論的項目具體如下: 首先,在第一年的計畫中,本計畫將建構一個垂直差異化模型,分別以價格競爭和數量競爭的角度討論當市場上生產較高品質產品的廠商開始關心消費者消費的產品品質時,CSR會如何影響生產垂直差異化產品的廠商的最適產品品質。此外,在第一年的計畫中,本計畫也會進一步去分析廠商關心消費者的行為會如何影響社會福利,即本計畫欲回答廠商關心消費者真的有助於提升社會福利嗎? 其次,在第二年的計畫中,本計畫將建立一個標準三國貿易模型,探究出口國為ECSR廠商時會如何影響出口國的社會福利,不同的市場競爭型態,例如價格競爭與數量競爭又會因廠商ECSR行為如何影響社會福利是本年度計畫所欲探究的主題之一;後續本年度的計畫將進一步納入出口政策或環境政策,如課徵出口關稅或環境稅,來進一步討論在廠商考量ECSR下的最適貿易或環境政策。 最後,在考量現代企業所有者與經理人分權下,當企業所有者具有ECSR時,其對經理人提供的最適薪酬契約會如何構成又有何種特色。此外,政府面對生產帶來的環境汙染所採取的環境政策會如何影響企業所有者和經理人之間的薪酬契約亦是第三年計畫中欲探討與回答的部分;而在企業所有者願意承擔ECSR的情形下,政府又該如何訂定最適的環境政策等皆是本計畫欲回答之問題。 ;This project contains three subprojects which are all corporate social responsibility related issues. In the first subproject, we utilize a vertically differentiation model to analyze the issue that a firm is willing to provide consumers much higher quality products based on its corporate social responsibility. We intend to study the quality decisions of high and low quality firms and the associated social welfare under both Cournot and Bertrand competition.The second subproject concerns how the social welfare of an exporting country is affected when the exporting firm begins to bear its environmental corporate social responsibility. A typical three-country-two-firm model and both Cournot and Bertrand competition are used to analyze the above issue. The two exporting firms are both possibly to take the ECSR. We intend to study how the ECSR affect the firms’ profits, market equilibrium, and social welfare. In addition, the optimal export or environmental policies adopted by the exporting country’s government under the ECSR will also be studied. The third subproject intends to analyze the issue that how an ECSR affects the strategy of a firm’s owner in an oligopolistic owner-manager game. We also consider both Cournot and Bertrand competition. Especially, we want to study how the salary contract of the manager or the incentive scheme is affected by the owner’s ECSR. Furthermore, we will also study the issue that how the optimal environmental policy adopted by the government is affected by the owner’s ECSR.