摘要: | 106 年8 月6 日連接國道一號南崁交流道往桃園區的國門陸橋, 因橋下堆置物導致發生火災,橋身受損,公路總局緊急封閉橋梁,邀 集專家學者及顧問公司至現場研判臨時支撐擺設位置、數量,及後續 試驗、檢測分析撰寫鑑定報告,鑑定報告經桃園市土木技師公會審定 後,於同月19 日開放通車,提供當地用路人安全通行的路。 當今社會千變萬化,交通路網四通八達,其中橋梁的重要性不言 而喻,隨著社會發展、經濟發展等不同需求,橋梁新建以不同形式、 不同材質建立,而後續養護則格外重要,因此公路總局制定固定頻率 辦理橋梁檢測,以確保橋梁健全,及提早發現問題。 當重大事故或災害發生 (如颱風、豪雨、土石流、地震、海嘯、 火災或超高車輛撞損主梁等)後,以已建置流程辦理橋梁檢視、試驗、 分析,了解損傷程度及防止災害擴大格外重要。 本研究透過文獻回顧、橋梁火害後損害的檢測與分析、橋梁復舊 施工探討、橋梁火害後修復補強成效分析,了解火害後檢測分析與修 復補強情形,並確定國門陸橋於補強後耐震能力及承載能力均滿足公 路橋梁設計規範之要求,以回饋後續類同火害橋梁主辦單位供參。;On August 6, 2017, the Guomen Land Bridge, connecting National freeway 1, Nankan Interchange, to Taoyuan District, was damaged due to the fire under the bridge. The Directorate General of Highways urgently closed the bridge, and invited experts, scholars, and consultants, to the scene for an appraisal report of the bridge test analysis, position and quantity of temporary support. After the appraisal report was approved by the Civil Engineers Association of Taoyuan City, the bridge was reopened in the same month, 19th, providing a safe passage for locals. Today′s society is ever-changing, the road network extends in all directions, and bridges are essential, with the development of society and different needs, bridges are built in different forms and materials, followup care is especially important. Therefore, the Directorate General of Highways has established a fixed frequency for bridge inspection, to ensure that the bridge is in good condition and to find problems early. When a major accident or disaster occurs, such as typhoons, heavy rain, debris flow, earthquake, tsunami, fire or structure damage by vehicles, etc, the process of inspection, testing, analysis, and understanding the extent of the damage and preventing the spread of the disaster is especially important. This study was reviewed through literature, fire damage detection and analysis of bridges, discussion on bridge restoration construction, analysis of the bridge repairs effectiveness, the repair situation of Guomen Land Bridge, and feedback to bridge managements. |