我們設計並建造了一套鈦藍寶石雷射環形再生放大器,在其共振腔內使用了多次反射薄膜片以調製其頻譜,最終達成了5 mJ的脈衝能量輸出,穩定度達2 %,頻譜頻寬為34.7 nm。將來預定取代中央大學強場物理與超快技術實驗室現有的8通放大器,作為其100兆瓦超高功率超短脈衝雷射系統的前級放大器使用。;We designed and built a Ti:sapphire ring regenerative laser amplifier. A multiple-reflective pellicle is used in its cavity to broaden the amplified spectrum. We achieved an output energy of 5 mJ, with a stability of 2%. The output bandwidth is 34.7 nm. In the future, it is planned to replace the existing 8-pass amplifier of the High-Field Physics and Ultrafast Technology Laboratory at National Central University as a preamplifier for its 100-TW ultra-intense ultra-short pulse laser system.